Search results (757 results)
Multimodal Imaging in CHRPE
Mar 6 2025 by Gerardo - Montante Montelongo, MD
Fundus photograph of an 83-year-old male with a history of Diabetes, smoking, cataract surgery on the right eye in 2022, and open-angle glaucoma. Asymptomatic. Indirect ophthalmoscopy revealed 80% excavation, peripapillary atrophy, and a hyperpigmented perifoveal lesion with 35% atrophy, 10% drusen, and 5.1 mm diameter, corresponding to a CHRPE. At multimodal imaging, FFA shows hypoautofluorescence of the lesion, OCT shows preservation of internal retinal layers, atrophy of external retinal layer, with an RPE disruption, and posterior shadowing. USG shows a flat hyperechoic lesion 5.1 mm in diameter and 1.32 mm in thickness, solid and with high internal reflectance.
Photographer: Gerardo Montante-Montelongo, MD, Mexican Institute of Ophthalmology
Imaging device: Clarus 700
Condition/keywords: congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)multimodal imaging
Retinitis Pigmentosa with PPRPE - FAF-G
Jan 27 2025 by Vishal Agrawal, MD, FRCS,FACS,FASRS
16 year-old male patient presented with DOV, nyctalopia and nystagmus. Fundus revealed pigment clumping, pale disc and preserved para-arteriolar retinal pigment epithelium (PPRPE) in both eyes. Genetic testing revealed CRB1 gene mutation.
Photographer: Dr Ayushi Gupta
Imaging device: Clarus 700
Condition/keywords: retinitis pigmentosa
Retinitis Pigmentosa with PPRPE
Jan 27 2025 by Vishal Agrawal, MD, FRCS,FACS,FASRS
16 year-old male patient presented with DOV, nyctalopia and nystagmus. Fundus revealed pigment clumping, pale disc and preserved para-arteriolar retinal pigment epithelium (PPRPE) in both eyes. Genetic testing revealed CRB1 gene mutation.
Photographer: Dr Ayushi
Imaging device: Clarus 700
Condition/keywords: retinitis pigmentosa
CHRPE and Bear Tracks
Jan 7 2025 by Drew Mitchell
Fundus Autofluorescence of a CHRPE and Bear Tracks.
Photographer: Drew Mitchel, OCT-C
Imaging device: Optos Silverstone
Condition/keywords: bear tracksCHRPEcongenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)
Hamartoma of the Retina and Retinal Pigment Epithelium
Jan 5 2025 by César Adrián Gómez Valdivia, MD
Hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium found in a 10 year-old male patient with type 2 neurofibromatosis history. Overlaying fibrous proliferation can be appreciated. Findings were unilateral.
Photographer: @eyemissu2
Imaging device: TOPCON TRC-50DX
Condition/keywords: hamartomaretinal pigment epithelium (RPE) hamartoma
New Iris Melanoma
Oct 10 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
56 year old male with new amelanotic melanoma emanating from the ciliary body through the posterior iris epithelium. CT scan showed no evidence of metastatic disease. Pt scheduled for radioactive plaque and tumor biopsy
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Samsung Galaxy
Condition/keywords: amelanotic melanomairis melanoma
Bear Track Lesions in a Case of Congenital Hypertrophy of RPE
Sep 6 2024 by Giriraj Vibhute
Fundus photo and autofluorescence image in a 58-year-old woman A&B: Right and left eye ultrawidefield pseudocolor imaging in case of congenital hypertrophy of RPE. C&D: Fundus autofluorescence of right and left eye of the same patient. The patient/ family members did not have any history of colon cancer. Patient was advised colonoscopy and family members were screened.
Photographer: Giriraj Vibhute, dept of retina, M M Joshi eye institute, Hubli. India
Imaging device: Optos daytona
Condition/keywords: bear trackscongenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)
Ocular Albinism
Aug 27 2024 by Monica Elena Cortizo Brown , MD
9 year old girl with pendular nystagmus, photophobia and a fundus photo that shows clear view of the choroidal vasculature due to the hypopigmentation of retinal pigment epithelium.
Photographer: Mónica Cortizo Brown , Hospital de la Luz, Ciudad de México
Condition/keywords: nystagmusocular albinismoculocutaneous albinismphotophobia
Left Eye Acute Retinal Pigment Epithelitis
Jul 25 2024 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB
Fundus photograph of a 17 year old boy with sudden decrease in vision in his left eye. Retinal pigment epithelial changes were noticed at the macula.
Photographer: Navneet Mehrotra
Imaging device: Nidek
Condition/keywords: retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) changes
May 26 2024 by shama sharief
Funds photo with CHRPE and CHRRPE.
Condition/keywords: CHRRPEcongenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)
Congenital Hamartoma of Retina and RPE
May 23 2024 by ARVIND JAIN M
Bilateral involving CHRRPE lesion in a 26 year old gentleman who came with complains of defective vision in both eyes since childhood. His BCVA was Right eye 5/60 and left eye 6/60. His anterior segment examination showed no abnormality with posterior segment examination showed both eyes (Fig.1a and 1b) greyish white elevated lesion involving the macula with thick fibrotic membrane causing the macular drag temporally in right eye and supero-temporally in left eye. (Fig.2a and 2b) OCT showing the thick ERM with the disorganized inner retinal layers suggestive of hamartoma of the Retina and Retinal Pigment Epithelium.
Photographer: Dr. Arvind Jain M, MBBS,MS Ophthal, FVRS
Condition/keywords: CHRRPE
Representative Electrooculogram Responses
May 13 2024 by Gabrielle Hallai
Electrooculogram responses on the left from a control individual with no known retinal pathology. There is a clear dark trough around 13 minutes (arrow down) and a light peak around 25 minutes (arrow up). The Arden ratio, or the light peak to dark trough ratio, is 2.54, indicative of normal retinal pigment epithelium function (normal > 1.80, abnormal < 1.65). On the right-hand side, there is a representative image from an individual with Best macular dystrophy. Note the reduced responses for both the dark and light phase. There is a reduced Arden ratio of 1.23, suggestive of abnormal retinal pigment epithelium function. An abnormal Arden ratio is universal in Best vitelliform macular dystrophy and is the most common electroretinographic change in this disease. Other bestrophinopathies such as autosomal recessive bestrophinopathy may have normal EOG. EOG testing was completed on the Diagnosys ColorDome.
Photographer: Gabrielle Hallai, PhD, Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute
Imaging device: Diagnosys ColorDome
Condition/keywords: Best diseaseelectrooculogramelectroretinographyEOG
May 8 2024 by KANWALJEET HARJOT MADAN, M.S. (Ophthalmology), FAICO (Vitreous - Retina)
These are the fundus pics of a 28 year young male who presented with history of night blindness. Fundus examintaion revealed presence of Choroideremia. There is diffuse pigment clumping followed by atrophy of retinal pigment epithelium, photoreceptors and choriocapillaris with visible sclera and choroidal vessels in this condition. Atrophy progresses centripetally and the fovea is the last to become affected.
Photographer: Dr. Kanwaljeet Harjot Madan
Imaging device: Zeiss Clarus
Condition/keywords: choriocapillarischoroideremianightblindness
Best Disease
Apr 24 2024 by Marcelo Zas, MD PhD
Best vitelliform macular dystrophy (BVMD) or Best disease. Is the most common autosomal dominant macular dystrophy. It involves the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and leads to a characteristic bilateral yellow “egg-yolk” appearance of the macula as you can see in this image. Essentially, BVMD is considered to have 6 clinical stages: Previtelliform, Vitelliform, Pseudohypopyon, Vitelleruptive, Atrophic and Choroidal neovascularization. As the disease progresses, patients may experience a slow, bilateral decrease in visual acuity, central scotoma, or metamorphopsia. With secondary CNV, visual decline can be rapid, however.
Photographer: Luciano Scorsetti MD
Condition/keywords: Macular Dystrophy
Geographic Atrophy
Apr 22 2024 by Angela Rico
59 year-old female with MM1 Mitochondrial Genetic Defect. V/A- OD: 20/25, OS:20/40
Photographer: Angela Rico M.D.
Condition/keywords: Dystrophy of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium
Benign Lobular Inner Nuclear Layer Proliferations (BLIP)
Apr 15 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
29 year old male with multiple flat CHRPE lesions, genetic testing negative for ACP genes associated with Gardner syndrome. Multiple intraretinal amelanotic lesions consistent with Benign Lobular Inner Nuclear Layer Proliferations (BLIP) of the retina
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: BLIP Benign Lobular Inner Nuclear Layer ProliferationsCHRPEcongenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)
Hamartoma of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium
Apr 2 2024 by José Laércio Araújo Filho
Fundus photograph of a 36-year-old man with a Hamartoma of the retinal pigment epithelium.
Photographer: José Laércio de Araújo Filho, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo
Imaging device: Optos Daytona P200T / A10600
Condition/keywords: retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) hamartoma
Hamartoma of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium
Apr 2 2024 by José Laércio Araújo Filho
Fundus photograph of a 36-year-old man with a Hamartoma of the retinal pigment epithelium.
Photographer: José Laércio de Araújo Filho, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo
Imaging device: Optos Daytona P200T / A10600
Condition/keywords: hamartoma
Familial Drusen
Mar 28 2024 by Houda Brarou
Fundus photograph of a 35 years old woman with a familial drusen which is characterized by the presence of small yellow-white accumulations of extracellular material under the retinal pigment epithelium in the ocular posterior pole,
Photographer: Houda brarou, Mohammed V military hospital of Rabat, Morocco
Imaging device: TOPCON DRI OCT Triton Plus
Condition/keywords: familial drusen
Ocular Syphilis
Feb 21 2024 by Nikhil K Bommakanti, MD
A monocular man in his sixties presented with blurred vision in the right eye for two months. Optical coherence tomography demonstrated vitreous cells and characteristic inflammatory deposits of the outer retina and retinal pigment epithelium, and laboratory testing confirmed the diagnosis of syphilis. He was admitted for intravenous penicillin and consultation with a specialist in infectious diseases.
Condition/keywords: syphilis
Gardner's Syndrome
Nov 10 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
17-year-old male with multiple pigmented spots most likely related to Gardner's Syndrome. Pt has not been diagnosed with FAP at this time, however pt receives regular screenings. Extensive maternal family hx of FAP syndrome and colon cancer. Pt's mother has FAP, who had colon resection. Pt's 2 aunts, 1 uncle, grandmother and great grandmother all passed from colon cancer. Pt has multiple maternal cousins diagnosed with FAP
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: CHRPEcongenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)familial adenomatous polyposisGardner Syndrome
Oct 21 2023 by Aditya S Kelkar, MS, FRCS, FASRS,FRCOphth
Right eye fundus photograph of a 83 year old female demonstrating Disciform Scar And Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) Detachment In A Case Of Idiopathic Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy (IPCV).
Imaging device: OPTOS DAYTONA
Condition/keywords: disciform scar
Choroidal Osteoma
Sep 12 2023 by Ben Serar
Fundus photograph of the LE showing an irregular, yellow-white, juxtapapillary, choroidal lesion with well-defined geographic borders; with diffuse and mottled depigmentation of the overlying pigment epithelium; and multiple small vascular networks on the tumor surface.
Condition/keywords: choroidal osteoma
Choroidal Osteoma
Sep 12 2023 by Ben Serar
Fundus photograph of the RE showing an irregular, yellow-white, juxtapapillary, choroidal lesion with well-defined geographic borders; with diffuse and mottled depigmentation of the overlying pigment epithelium; and multiple small vascular networks on the tumor surface.
Condition/keywords: choroidal osteoma
Combined hamartoma of retina and retinal pigment epithelium
Aug 8 2023 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB
A 20 year old female presented with decreased vision and metamorphopsia noticed in her left eye for one year. Other eye was normal. BCVA was 6/12 in her left eye.
Photographer: Dharti, Retina Care , Ahmedabad
Condition/keywords: Combined pigment epithelial and retinal hamartoma