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  • Globe Perforation With Retinal Detachment

    Feb 7 2017 by Manish Nagpal, MD, FRCS (UK), FASRS

    Patient presenting with globe perforation with a penetration seen at below the inferior arcade with some scattered hemorrhage and a retinal detachment.

    Photographer: Rakesh Juneja

    Condition/keywords: globe perforation

  • Total Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment With Severe PVR

    May 27 2015 by Darin R. Goldman, MD

    63-year-old pseudophakic male with hand motion vision in the left eye due to a total retinal detachment with severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy.

    Condition/keywords: proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), retinal tear

  • Wide-Field-OCT-montage

    Jan 8 2018 by Netan Choudhry, MD, FRCS(C) FASRS

    This is an SD-OCT montage image of a 55 year old male with optic neuropathy representing a wide-field OCT spanning 130 degrees.

    Photographer: John Golding, Vitreous Retina Macula Specialists of Toronto

    Imaging device: Heidelberg Spectralis OCT system

    Condition/keywords: wide angle imaging

  • Coats' Disease

    Apr 27 2018 by Brenda Fallas

    3-year-old boy with unilateral Coats' Disease fundus photo.

    Photographer: Brenda Fallas, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL

    Imaging device: Retcam III 130 degree lens

    Condition/keywords: Coats' disease, color fundus photograph, retinal telangiectasia

  • Wyburn Mason

    Jun 23 2018 by Caesar K. Luo, MD, FASRS

    Fundus photograph of a 16-year-old female patient with poor vision in one eye demonstrates racemose angiomatosis as seen in Wyburn-Mason Syndrome.

    Photographer: Joseph Trabucco, Progressive Vision Institute, Allentown, PA

    Condition/keywords: Wyburn-Mason

  • Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with Choroidal Effusion Status Post PRP

    Dec 15 2020 by Manish Nagpal, MD, FRCS (UK), FASRS

    A 17-year-old juvenile diabetic patient came to us with extensive neovascular proliferations and PRP done a week back and had developed 360 degree choroidal effusion as seen in this wide field montage image

    Photographer: Sham Talati, Retina Fellow , Retina Foundation, Ahmedabad, India

    Imaging device: Mirante CSLO

    Condition/keywords: choroidal effusion, diabetic retinopathy, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)

  • Flame of the Forest

    Apr 9 2020 by Daraius N Shroff, MS FMRF FRCS

    A 54-year-old man with DM for 15 years. The left eye had a visual acuity of 20/40. Wide field swept source OCTA revealed branching out central neovascular trunk vessels from the disc with terminal loops, along with exuberant proliferation of irregular small-calibre fine new vessels. The patient underwent OCTA guided pan retinal photocoagulation.

    Photographer: Anuj Choudhary, Shroff Eye Centre, New Delhi

    Imaging device: Zeiss Plex Elite 9000

    Condition/keywords: proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)

  • Retinitis Pigmentosa With Hemangioma CF

    Dec 15 2016 by Manish Nagpal, MD, FRCS (UK), FASRS

    Fluorescein angiography OS of a patient having retinitis pigmentosa with a hemangioma inferiorly.

    Condition/keywords: hemangioma, retinitis pigmentosa

  • Valsalva Retinopathy

    Jan 26 2017 by JEFFERSON R SOUSA, Tecg.º (Biomedical Systems Technology)

    Male patient, 23-years-old, with low visual acuity in the right eye. In the ocular examination of the retinography, intense subhyaloidal hemorrhage. 2 minutes after laser application.

    Photographer: JEFFERSON R SOUSA - Suel Abujamra Institute - São Paulo - Brazil

    Imaging device: Topcon TRC-50 DX, Imaginet, 35 degree field. Flash 36 / Mosaic with four images.

    Condition/keywords: subhyaloid hemorrhage, valsalva retinopathy

  • Coats' Disease FA

    Apr 27 2018 by Brenda Fallas

    3-year-old boy with unilateral Coats' Disease FA photo.

    Photographer: Brenda Fallas, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL

    Imaging device: Retcam III 130 degree lens

    Condition/keywords: Coats' disease, FA early phase, fluorescein angiogram (FA), retinal telangiectasia

  • Macroaneurysm

    Apr 1 2017 by Manish Nagpal, MD, FRCS (UK), FASRS

    Case of a ruptured macroaneurysm with subhyaloid and subretinal blood.

    Photographer: Avijit Vishnoi

    Condition/keywords: macroaneurysm, ruptured macroaneurysm

  • Retinoblastoma

    Apr 27 2018 by Brenda Fallas

    2-year-old boy with stage D+ retinoblastoma of the right eye.

    Photographer: Brenda Fallas, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL

    Imaging device: RETCAM III 130 degree lens montage

    Condition/keywords: tumor, tumor seeding

  • Tractional Retinal Detachment

    Dec 4 2019 by Janet Brazil

    Fundus photograph of a 32-year-old female with severe end-stage diabetic tractional retinal detachment.

    Photographer: Janet Atkinson, Eye Associates of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

    Imaging device: Topcon TRC- 50EX

    Condition/keywords: diabetes, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), tractional retinal detachment

  • Albinotic Fundus

    Jan 24 2024 by Poornachandra B, MS, FVRS

    Fundus photo of a 30 year old male with Ocular albinism. Hypopigmented fundus with very evident choroidal vessels.

    Photographer: Dr Poornachandra B

    Condition/keywords: ocular albinism

  • Foreign Body SS

    Feb 14 2015 by Shlomit Schaal, MD, PhD, MHCM

    A four millimeter metal foreign body removed surgically using foreign body forceps. The macula is protected by PFCL heavy fluid. There is a traumatic retinal detachment inferiorly (top of photo, surgeon's view).

    Photographer: Shlomit Schaal, MD, PhD

    Condition/keywords: intraocular foreign body

  • Massive Subretinal Hemorrhage With Near Total Retina Detachment

    Nov 27 2013 by David W. Faber, MD

    Fundus photo of an 71-year-old male with massive subretinal hemorrhage. Had been given 6 week Avastin treatments. Was put on coumadin for 6 weeks following knee surgery.

    Photographer: Donna Knight, Rocky Mountain Retina Consultants, Salt Lake City, Utah

  • Ocular Manifestation of Acute Leukemia

    Sep 8 2012 by Hamid Ahmadieh, MD

    Color fundus photograph of a 26-year-old man with acute leukemia.

    Photographer: Hamid Ahmadieh, MD, Ophthalmic Research Center, Labbafinejad Medical Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences , Tehran

    Imaging device: Topcon Fundus Camera

    Condition/keywords: acute leukemia, white centered retinal hemorrhage (Roth Spot)

  • Phoenix

    Feb 21 2024 by Sayena . Jabbehdari, MD, MPH, MBA candidate

    A 60-year-old Caucasian female presented with reduced night vision and constricted visual fields. The fundus exam revealed pigmentary changes in the peripheral retina. Fundus autofluorescence depicted the schematic appearance of a Phoenix , with the hypo-autofluorescence corresponding to the head and wings of the phoenix. Genetic testing was positive for a heterozygous RHO mutation

    Photographer: Sayena Jabbehdari MD MPH

    Condition/keywords: retinitis pigmentosa

  • Post Traumatic Optic Nerve Head Avulsion

    Nov 18 2017 by Vishal Agrawal, MD, FRCS,FACS,FASRS

    Right eye fundus picture of a 24-year-old male patient who suffered blunt trauma 7 days back with a wooden stick . He presented with NLP vision with a non reacting dilated pupil. Fundus montage picture shows ONH avulsion,CRAO,peripapillary resolving hemorrhages and cicatricial tissue at the edge.

    Photographer: Vishal Agrawal, MD, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, India

    Imaging device: Zeiss 524

    Condition/keywords: avulsion, central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)

  • When the Curtain Falls

    Jun 12 2021 by Shyamal K Dwivedi, MD

    52-year-old male presented with sudden painless vision drop. Giant retinal tear discovered which was about 270 degrees anchored at the disc. Title courtesy: Dr.Aditya Sudhalkar

    Photographer: Dr.Aditya Sudhalkar

    Imaging device: Zeiss

    Condition/keywords: giant retinal tear

  • Whole Eye OCT

    Jan 4 2019 by Netan Choudhry, MD, FRCS(C) FASRS

    Swept-Source OCT montage of a 45-year-old male with Alports disease and posterior subcapsular cataract.

    Photographer: John Golding BA, Vitreous Retina Macula Specialists of Toronto

    Imaging device: Topcon DRI Triton

    Condition/keywords: Alports disease, optical coherence tomography (OCT), swept source

  • Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy

    Feb 20 2024 by Soobien Lee

    12x12mm OCT Angiography of a 20-year-old caucasian female with viral prodrome and vision loss OS>OD secondary to Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy (APPME). Imaging shows multifocal flow voids.

    Photographer: Kim Seay, Elman Retina Group

    Imaging device: 12x12mm OCT-Angiography

    Condition/keywords: acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE), bacillary layer detachment, OCT, OCT Angiography, Uveitis, white dot syndrome

  • Giant Retinal Tear

    Feb 20 2024 by Soobien Lee

    Optos color fundus photograph of a 40-year-old caucasian male who is a UFC fighter with a total retinal detachment in his right eye secondary to a giant retinal tear from 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock.

    Photographer: Trinity Wolf, Elman Retina Group

    Imaging device: Optos Ultra-Widefield Imaging

    Condition/keywords: giant retinal tear, optos, Retinal Detachment, Retinal tear with detachment, trauma

  • Venous Loop

    Feb 20 2024 by Soobien Lee

    A 77-year-old male with a history of bilateral optic neuropathy from bilateral optic nerve sheath meningiomas S/P radiation/proton-beam therapies. Presented with radiation retinopathy OS and a known venous loop OS.

    Photographer: Gavin Bragdon, Elman Retina Group

    Imaging device: Optos Ultra-Widefield Imaging

    Condition/keywords: Optos, OPTOS CALIFORNIA, radiation retinopathy, retinal vascular disease, venous loop

  • Venous Loop

    Feb 20 2024 by Soobien Lee

    A 77-year-old male with a history of bilateral optic neuropathy from bilateral optic nerve sheath meningiomas S/P radiation/proton-beam therapies. Presented with radiation retinopathy OS and a known venous loop OS.

    Photographer: Gavin Bragdon, Elman Retina Group

    Imaging device: Optos Ultra-Widefield Fluorescein Angiography

    Condition/keywords: fluorescein angiogram (FA), Optos, radiation retinopathy, retinal vascular disease, venous loop