ERM with Retinal Striae
Apr 13 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
Right eye fundus photo of 65-year-old male with severe ERM with retinal striae s/p bilateral RD repair
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: epiretinal membrane (ERM), retinal strial
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Apr 13 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
68-year-old male with Central Retinal Vein Occlusion with Macular Edema. Pt presented with VA of count fingers @ 5 ft. Pt was treated with Avastin
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO)
Stargardt's Disease
May 5 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
51-year-old male with bilateral central retinal dystrophy consistent with Stargardt disease. No significant progression of central atrophy, and VA has remained stable at 20/150 since 2012
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: Stargardt disease
Syphilitic Uveitis
May 26 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
35-year-old female with resolved syphilitic uveitis OU. Severe retinal thinning with chalky ON pallor and severe vessel attenuation associated with presumed post syphilitic neuritis vs bilateral CRAO's in both eyes. Pt reports acute bilateral vision loss after delivery of her child in 8/2021. Limited VA OU due to severe optic nerve and macula atrophy.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: syphilis, uveitis
May 26 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
51-year-old female with dry AMD, advanced atrophic without subfoveal involvement OU. Genetic testing confirmed MIDD (maternal inherited diabetes and deafness) which is a mitochondrial inherited dystrophy. Unaware of any family hx of macular degeneration.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: advanced geographic atrophy, geographic atrophy
Stargardt Disease
May 30 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
Pattern dystrophy OU, possible Stargardt disease. Genetic testing done in office to confirm. Vision limited to 20/200 OU due to atrophy
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: pattern dystrophy, Stargardt Disease
Regressing Choroidal Melanoma with Asteroid Hyalosis
Jun 2 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
73-year-old female with Asteroid Hyalosis and a stable regressing tumor OD, five months s/p brachytherapy. There is still overlying fluid on exam which should continue to resolve. Vision is stable.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: asteroid hyalosis, choroidal melanoma
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Oct 12 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
Fundus Auto-Fluorescence photo of 73-year-old woman with Retinitis Pigmentosa, first diagnosed 23 years ago. Extensive outer retinal atrophy with minimal foveal sparing, bone spicule pigmentation and waxy pallor. Vision NLP
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: retinitis pigmentosa, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) dystrophy
Dislocated IOL
Oct 12 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
Fundus photo of an 83-year-old man with a 3 piece dislocated IOL. Surgery performed, PPV/removal of nonmagnetic FB/secondary Akreos. Eye is stable, vision limited due to grade 3 VH
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: dislocated intraocular lens (IOL), dislocated lens
Severe NPDR
Oct 24 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
Fluorescein angiogram of left eye in 60-year-old male with severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy with extensive macular edema. Most recent A1c is 11. Vision 20/400. Injection of Eylea given
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: diabetic macular edema, Diabetic Retinopathy, fluorescein angiogram (FA), Fluorescein angiography
Idiopathic Iris Cyst
Oct 25 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
UBM of recurring idiopathic iris cyst in 72 year old female
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Ellex Eye Cubed
Condition/keywords: anterior chamber, cyst, immersion ultrasound, iris
Retinal Detachment
Oct 26 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
74 year old male with mac-off retinal detachment with single break
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: detachment, Retinal Detachment, retinal detachment of the macula
Choroidal Melanoma
Oct 27 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
76 year old male with suspicious pigmented choroidal lesion with new collar button growth. Blocking defect and vascularity noted on FA
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma, FA late phase, fluorescein angiogram (FA), Fluorescein angiography, melanoma
Gore Tex Suture
Nov 1 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
Gore Tex suture of scleral fixated lens in 66 year-old male, 1 day post-op
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: slit lamp camera
Condition/keywords: Gore Tex Suture, post-op, Scleral fixated IOL
Suspicious Choroidal Nevus / Optic Disc Drusen
Nov 1 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
29 year-old female with suspicious choroidal nevus adjacent to optic nerve and extending into fovea. Optic disc drusen OU. Pt is asymptomatic
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: choroidal nevus, disc drusen, drusen of optic disc, nevus
Melanocytoma of Optic Disc
Nov 3 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
69 year-old female with pigmented lesion that covers the optic nerve. Patient has been aware for over 30 years. Remains stable and unchanged
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: benign melanocytoma, Melanocytoma, optic disc melanocytoma
Choroidal Melanoma FA
Nov 14 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
Fluorescein angiogram of 69 year old male with small lesion consistent with choroidal melanoma. Small pigmented elevated choroidal lesion just below ON with drusen, RPE changes and trace questionable OP present in the left eye. Extensive imaging and ultrasound was performed for further evaluation and documentation.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma, fluorescein angiogram (FA), Fluorescein angiography
Acute Endophthalmitis
Nov 14 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
85 year old female with acute endophthalmitis 14 days s/p IVEylea injection. 3+ injection and descemets folds, contracted fibron, 3mm Hypopyon, and 3+ cell. No view posteriorly, vision CF. Visual prognosis unknown at this time
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Condition/keywords: endophthalmitis
Geographic Atrophy
Nov 16 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
67 year old female with Neovascular AMD with inactive CNV. Extensive geographic atrophy with minimal foveal sparing. Extensive ectopic CNV just superiorly to ON remains inactive. Discussed with pt treating with Syfovre to slow down GA progression
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: advanced geographic atrophy, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), dry age-related macular degeneration (dry AMD), geographic atrophy
New Retinal Detachment 6w s/p RD repair
Nov 16 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
13 year old male presented with new blind spot 6 weeks s/p RD repair with cryo/scleral buckle/prophylaxis laser with gas bubble. New RD involving the macula, posterior to scleral buckle, secondary to PVD. Small gas bubble remaining. Pt was brought back to OR for repeat PPV and silicone oil repair
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: gas bubble, Retinal Detachment, retinal detachment of the macula, scleral buckle
Fibrotic granuloma vs. Pseudoduplication of the Optic Disc
Nov 29 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
74 year-old female with presumed fibrotic granuloma. Previously diagnosed as pseudoduplication of the optic disc by general ophthalmologist. OCT showed elevation in the RPE, more consistent with granuloma. Pt has been aware for many years, asymptomatic. Will observe.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon 50DX
Condition/keywords: fibrotic scar, granuloma, Pseudoduplication of optic disc
Layer Cake; Sub-retinal, Pre-retinal, Vitreous Hemorrhages
Dec 5 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
73 year old female with sub-retinal, pre-retinal, and vitreous hemorrhages all in OD. Will consider sx if blood does not clear on its own. Vision 20/40
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: pre-retinal hemorrhage, retinal macroaneurysm, subretinal hemorrhage, subretinal blood, vitreous hemorrhage
Mac off Retinal Detachment with Horseshoe Tear
Dec 5 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
68 year old male presented with HM vision in OD. Near total detachment with multiple breaks. Scheduled PPV with GFE. Visual prognosis guarded
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: Retinal Detachment, retinal detachment of the macula, Retinal Detachment with multiple breaks
Familial Dominant Drusen
Dec 5 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
50 year old female with presumed Familial Dominant Drusen OU. Asymptomatic, will observe
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: Drusen, FAMILIAL DOMINANT DRUSEN, macular drusen
Regressed Choroidal Metastasis
Dec 6 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
60 year old female with regressing metastasis along STA. Tumor has continued to regress s/p radiation in Feb 2023 and Tagrisso. VA 20/20. No elevation or SRF on most recent ultrasound
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: choroidal metastasis, choroidal tumor
Suspicious Choroidal Nevus
Dec 6 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
82 year old male with suspicious choroidal nevus and ERM. Remains unchanged since first visit 6 mos ago.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: choroidal nevus
New Choroidal Melanoma vs Metastasis
Dec 6 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
72 year old male with possible new choroidal melanoma vs metastatic melanoma. Dome-shaped amelanotic lesion involving the fovea. Lesion was discovered during a problem visit due to sudden decreased VA (20/150). Most recent CT scan shows concern for primary lung cancer
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: amelanotic melanoma, choroidal melanoma, melanoma, metastatic lesion
Benign Nevus
Dec 6 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
71 year old female with benign choroidal nevus with fibrotic PED
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: choroidal nevus, fibrotic neovascularization, nevus
Suspicious Choroidal Nevus
Dec 6 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
55 year old female with suspicious pigmented choroidal nevus. 3 high risk features present. Ultrasound shows SRF and high internal reflectivity. Will observe closely
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: choroidal nevus, orange pigment
Choroidal Metastasis
Dec 6 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
60 year old female with totally regressed tumor in temporal macula s/p external beam radiation and chemo. Pt diagnosed with stage IV metastatic lung cancer.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: choroidal metastasis, choroidal tumor
Tilted IOL
Dec 7 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
61 year old female with inferiorly tilted IOL. UBM shows haptic rubbing against the iris causing transillumination defect from 5 to 6 o'clock.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Condition/keywords: lens dislocation, transillumination
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Dec 12 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
78 year old female with intermediate stage dry AMD. Large soft drusen in macula as well as drusenoid pigment epithelial detachment.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: drusenoid PED, macular drusen
Macular Dystrophy vs Myopic Degeneration
Dec 22 2023 by Virginia Gebhart
35 year old female with myopic degeneration (-18.00 OU). BCVA 20/100 OU. RPE atrophy present in both eyes, but no significant chorioretinal atrophy. OCT not consistent with degenerative myopia due to dome shape appearance rather than posterior bowing. Possible macular dystrophy over degeneration. Will observe
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: Macular Dystrophy, myopic degeneration
Jan 4 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
86 year old male with partially oxidized choroidal hemorrhage and CME. Previous FA shows blocking defect temporally, most likely a choroidal hemorrhage with SRH and late leakage. Continued improvement with 8 week intervals of Eylea. VA 20/60 Previous RD repair with scleral buckle and cryo in 1980's
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: chorioretinopathy, choroidal hemorrhage, cystoid macular edema (CME), peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy (PEHCR)
New Choroidal Melanoma
Jan 4 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
77 year old male with a bilobed pigmented mass with exudative RD, and trace inflammation present in AV consistent with choroidal melanoma. Mass extends into ciliary body. Pt scheduled for MRI prior to plaque radiation to rule out metastasis.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma, ciliary body melanoma, exudative retinal detachment
Idiopathic Peripapillary CNV
Jan 4 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
13 year old female with inactive CNV. Increased pigment 360 at 1 year follow up. No inflammation or SRF, pt remains asymptomatic
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal neovascularization (CNV), peripapillary choroidal neovascularization (PPCNVM)
Choroidal Melanoma
Jan 4 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
57 year old female with new choroidal melanoma. Early hyperfluorescence with vascularity and minimal late leakage on FA.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma, FA, FA early phase, fluorescein angiogram (FA), Fluorescein angiography
Preretinal Fibrosis
Jan 12 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
53 year old diabetic male with significant persistent ERM due to fibrotic NV superiorly. Possibly developing a tractional MH. Vitreous Hemorrhage secondary to traction on the fibrosis
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon 50DX
Condition/keywords: epiretinal membrane, ERM, fibrosis, macular pseudohole, neovascularization (NV)
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Jan 25 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
58 year old female diagnosed at age 13. Vision 20/100
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: retinitis pigmentosa, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) dystrophy
Hemorrhagic Pigment Epithelial Detachment
Jan 25 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
64 year old male with persistent hemorrhagic PED with oxidized SRH involving the central macula. Continued improvement with 12 week intervals of Eylea. BCVA 20/80
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), pigment epithelial detachment (PED)
Jan 25 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
79 year old female with intermediate dry AMD. Small area of geographic atrophy superior, large drusen and stippled RPE changes. BCVA 20/40
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: age-related macular degeneration (AMD), dry age-related macular degeneration (dry AMD), geographic atrophy
Retinal Detachment with PVR
Jan 25 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
62 year old female with history of RD repair with scleral buckle 30 years ago. Low scleral buckle with cryo scar, attached anteriorly. New RD repaired with gas bubble
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), Retinal Detachment
Jan 25 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
69 year old female with Neovascular AMD. New RPE rip and increased IRF on OCT 10 weeks s/p Eylea injection. Switched to Vabysmo to extend intervals
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Persistent TRD with Sub-hyaloid Hemorrhage
Jan 25 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
Progression of TRD in 46 year old male from March 2023 to now. Pt complains of worsening vision over past 3 weeks. Surgery recommended to remove scar tissue.
Condition/keywords: Diabetic Tractional Retinal Detachment involving the Macula, Proliferative Diabetic retinopathy, Sub-Hyaloid Hemorrhage, tractional retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage
Iris Melanoma
Feb 1 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
90 year old female with elevated pigmented lesion, amelanotic portion extending toward the angle, questionable vascularity on UBM.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip
Condition/keywords: iris lesion, iris melanoma
Feb 6 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
64 year old male with benign appearing choroidal pigmentation consistent with melanocytosis.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanocytosis
Diabetic Macular Edema
Feb 7 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
FA of 70 year old male with diabetic macular edema. FA shows early hyper-fluorescence with late leakage and capillary dropout in the temporal macula. Focal laser performed.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: capillary dropouts, fluorescein angiogram (FA), macular edema
Treated Choroidal Melanoma
Feb 7 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
40 year old male with a stable, flat, treated tumor s/p brachytherapy in 2018. Persistent CME secondary to radiation retinopathy.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma, melanoma, radiation retinopathy
Suspicious Nevus
Feb 14 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
61 year old female with a suspicious choroidal nevus involving the optic nerve head. Patient asymptomatic, will continue to observe.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: choroidal nevus, nevus
Diffuse Chorioretinal Atrophy
Feb 21 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
61 year male with myopic degeneration and diffuse chorioretinal atrophy. BCVA 20/200.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: chorioretinal atrophy, myopic degeneration
Optic Nerve Pit
Feb 21 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
65 year old female with optic nerve pit. Asymptomatic, continued observation.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon TRC 50DX
Condition/keywords: congenital optic nerve pit, Optic nerve pit
Hidden Mickey / Toxo Scar
Feb 29 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
87 year old female with inactive toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis inferior. Stable regressed malignant neoplasm of choroid superior (s/p brachytherapy 2011).
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: inactive toxoplasmosis, toxo chorioretinitis, toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis
Choroidal Melanoma
Mar 1 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
52 year old female at first visit July 2023 vs 7 months s/p brachytherapy. SRF in macula has resolved, trace fluid on posterior edge of collapsing collar button.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: brachytherapy, Choroidal melanoma, collar button
Mar 15 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
FA of 59 year old female with proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, neovascularization of the disc (NVD), NVE, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)
Retinal Detachment
Mar 28 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
68 year male with chronic appearing retinal detachment with subretinal bands and subretinal fibrosis. Demarcation line present, SRF splits the fovea on OCT.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: chronic retinal detachment, Retinal Detachment
Benign Lobular Inner Nuclear Layer Proliferations (BLIP)
Apr 15 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
29 year old male with multiple flat CHRPE lesions, genetic testing negative for ACP genes associated with Gardner syndrome. Multiple intraretinal amelanotic lesions consistent with Benign Lobular Inner Nuclear Layer Proliferations (BLIP) of the retina
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon
Condition/keywords: BLIP Benign Lobular Inner Nuclear Layer Proliferations, CHRPE, congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE)
Generalized Gyrate Atrophy, CME
Apr 17 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
92 year old female with bilateral patchy, sharply demarcated circular areas of chorioretinal atrophy with hyperpigmented margins in the mid to far periphery suggestive of gyrate atrophy. Also intermediate uveitis and CMD/CME. FTA-ABS, Quant gold, and HLA-A29 labs all negative.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: cystoid macular degeneration, cystoid macular edema (CME), FA, Fluorescein angiography, gyrate atrophy
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
May 8 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
13 year old female with diffuse hemangioma consistent with Sturge-Weber Syndrome. Hx of POAG
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: diffuse choroidal hemangioma, Hemangioma, Sturge-Weber syndrome
Suspicious Choroidal Nevus
May 8 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
13 year old female with suspicious appearing choroidal nevus. High risk features present, adjacent to optic nerve, questionable orange pigment, SRF. No significant elevation on ultrasound. Will follow up with serial exams.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal nevus, nevus
Choroidal Folds s/p External Beam Radiation
May 15 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
74 year old female with choroidal folds s/p external beam radiation 11/2023. Choroidal infiltration and resolved SRF most likely secondary to Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Pt remains asymptomatic.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon 50DX
Condition/keywords: after proton beam irradiation, choroidal folds
Retinal Detachment with Single Break
May 30 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
73 year old female with new mac-off retinal detachment with single horseshoe tear. Vision CF@3ft. Repaired in OR with gas bubble and laser. Guarded prognosis
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: retinal detachment of the macula
Hollenhorst Plaque
Jun 25 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
75 year female with complaint of shadow in the bottom of her vision for many years. Hollenhorst plaque on superior pole of the disc and sclerotic superotemporal arteriole. Also DBHs superiorly most likely due to combined BRAO/BRVO.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon 50DX
Condition/keywords: branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO), branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), hollenhorst plaque, sclerotic arteriole
Focal Chorioretinitis
Jul 11 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
67 year old female with punched-out CR scars. Hx of laser 3x for apparent peripapillary CNV. ESR, CRP, toxo, IgG/IgM all "normal." Bartonella, quant gold, and FTA-ABS ordered given possibility of neuroretinitis. Vision CF
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: FA, fluorescein angiogram (FA), FLUORESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY, focal chorioretinitis, optic neuritis
Twinkle Twinkle
Aug 5 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
65 year old male with mac-off retinal detachment with 360 folds and horseshoe tear.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: macula off retinal detachment, RD, Retinal Detachment
Choroidal Melanoma
Aug 8 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
88 year old male with new bilobed choroidal melanoma. Pt scheduled for brachytherapy
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma, melanoma
Birdshot Retinochoroiditis
Aug 8 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
ICG angiogram of 45 year old male with Birdshot Retinochoroiditis. Has been improving on Humira and Methotrexate.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: birdshot, indocyanine green (ICG) angiography
Suspicious Nevus / CSR
Aug 8 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
Fluorescein angiogram of 54 year old male with a suspicious appearing choroidal nevus and central serous retinopathy. Will monitor closely and follow up with serial exams.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: central serous retinopathy (CSR), choroidal nevus, fluorescein angiogram (FA), FLUORESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY, nevus
Fundus Flavimaculatus
Aug 12 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
77 year old female with symmetrical retinal flecks consistent with hereditary dystrophy. Unable to complete genetic testing today, will consider in the future. Pt Asymptomatic, Dcc 20/20 OU
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: fundus flavimaculatus
Diabetic Tractional Retinal Detachment 1 week s/p SO fill
Aug 14 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
21 year old male 1 week s/p PPV/laser/STR/SO. Eye is stable, PRHs inferior and superior, possible traction from PRH/membrane. Will observe and let clot liquify, will consider scleral buckle if no improvement
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: Diabetic Tractional Detachment, retinal detachment of the macula, silicone oil
Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion
Aug 22 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
Fluorescein angiogram of branch retinal vein occlusion in 75 year old female. Scattered microaneurysms with late CME and persistent SRF. Pt will consider laser treatment but is hesitant for injections at this time due to possible side effects.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), BRVO, cystoid macular edema (CME), FA, FA late phase, fluorescein angiogram (FA), macular edema, microaneurysms, retinal microaneurysms
Pre-Retinal Hemorrhage
Aug 22 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
51 year old female with moderate proliferative diabetic retinopathy, DME, as well as pre-retinal hemorrhage and likely NVE. Pt given Avastin in office and will return for PRP.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: diabetic macular edema, macular edema, PDR with NVE (periphery), pre-retinal hemorrhage, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)
New RD with Multiple Breaks
Aug 26 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
59 year old male with superior, bullous, mac off RD with multiple breaks. Pt scheduled for PPV, laser, GFE.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: retinal detachment of the macula, retinal tear, retinal tear with detachment
Repaired Retinal Detachment
Aug 26 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
13 year old male 2 weeks s/p silicone oil placement and lensectomy. (Previous scleral buckle placement in 2023). Retina remains attached on the buckle under oil.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: RD, Retina detachment, Retinal detachment under Silicon Oil, scleral buckle
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Sep 4 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
13 year old female with hemangioma of the retina and history of Sturge-Weber syndrome. Slightly larger compared to photos and ultrasound from 4 months ago. SRF inferior on ultrasound and clinical exam. Pt and mom will consider brachytherapy.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: diffuse choroidal hemangioma, Hemangioma, Sturge-Weber syndrome
Choroidal Melanoma
Sep 5 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
63 year old female with new choroidal melanoma. Pt scheduled for brachytherapy.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma
Horseshoe Tear with Vitreous Hemorrhage
Sep 19 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
New horseshoe tear without detachment in 64 year old male. Vitreous hemorrhage secondary to HST. Prophylactic laser performed to seal tear
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: retinal tear, vitreous hemorrhage
Uveal Effusion Syndrome
Sep 19 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
61 year old female with idiopathic uveal effusion syndrome. 360 degrees of choroidal thickening, especially anterior with exudative fluid inferior. Mild vitritis present. Unable to gain venous access for FA, ultrasound and UBM performed which confirm choroidal and ciliary body thickening. Pt sent for inflammatory work up including MRI of brain and orbits. Treatment pending results.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: idiopathic uveal effusion syndrome, uveal effusion
POHS/Schlaegel Lines
Sep 19 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
46 year old female with h/o Histoplasmosis. Multiple punched out chorioretinal scars with Schlaegel lines. No evidence of CNV or active inflammation. VA 20/20
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: chorioretinal scar, histoplasmosis, presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (POHS), Schlaegel
Look With Your Heart
Sep 20 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
FA of 65 year old male with exudative AMD superior to a chorioretinal defect in the nasal macula. FA shows classic CNV with late leakage. Treated with IVA, will consider PDT if no improvement.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal neovascularization (CNV), exudative age-related macular degeneration, FA early phase
New Iris Melanoma
Oct 10 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
56 year old male with new amelanotic iris melanoma under the posterior iris epithelium. CT scan showed no evidence of metastatic disease. Pt scheduled for radioactive plaque and tumor biopsy
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Samsung Galaxy
Condition/keywords: amelanotic melanoma, iris melanoma
Oct 11 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
55 year old male s/p RD repair with SB and SO in Mexico June 2023. Questionable foreign body inferior vitreous base. Pt asymptomatic, had no previous knowledge of IOFB.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: intraocular foreign body, IOFB, scleral buckle
Suspicious Lesion 18 Years s/p Iris Resection
Oct 15 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
85 year old female with small pigmented lesion present s/p sectoral iridectomy in 2006. Lesion is suspicious for recurrence of melanoma after 18 years. Stable compared to previous exam in March 2024, unclear if this is a new lesion or has been present for an extended time. Will monitor closely.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Samsung Galaxy
Condition/keywords: iris melanoma, melanoma
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Oct 16 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
74 year old female with bone spicule pigmentation associated with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Pt diagnosed at age 53, relatively asymptomatic prior to diagnosis. Pt reports gradual vision loss over 10+ years. BCVA 20/40
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: bone spicule, retinitis pigmentosa, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) dystrophy
New Choroidal Melanoma with Exudative Detachment
Oct 16 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
56 year old male with a large pigmented tumor with an exudative detachment inferior and shallow fluid through the macula. Pt states they have been having symptoms for over a year. Scheduled for brachytherapy.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: Choroidal melanoma, exudative detachment, melanoma
Stargardt's Disease
Oct 23 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
62 year old female with bullseye RPE changes and flecks, mottled FAF, and silent choroid on FA consistent with late onset Stargardt's Disease. Pt is asymptomatic with 20/20 vision OU at this time
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: Stargardt disease, Stargardts Disease
Ciliary Body Melanoma
Nov 2 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
53 year old male with a large mass behind the lens as well as prominent scleral vessels. Clinical exam and ultrasound findings consistent with melanoma. Pt will be scheduled for enucleation pending CT scan results. Edit: Sadly patient has canceled all appointments and has requested no further contact
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: ciliary body mass, ciliary body melanoma, ciliary body tumor
Recurrent Retinal Detachment with Single Break
Nov 2 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
84 year old male with recurrent detachment s/p PPV/RD repair 2 weeks ago. Retinotomy is opened and appears to be the source of the fluid. Pt scheduled for emergency repair with scleral buckle.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
New Choroidal Melanoma
Nov 7 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
83 year old female with new choroidal melanoma. Diffuse, flat tumor with orange pigment, SRF and located adjacent to ON. Pt sleeps on left side causing fluid to pool in/around the macula. Pt scheduled for brachytherapy pending CT scan results.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma
Best Disease
Nov 7 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
Fluorescein angiogram of 49 year female with Best Disease. Genetic testing done in 2000 confirms Best Disease and also possible Stargardts mutation. Characteristic bullseye maculopathy with surrounding yellowish flecks are present in both eyes.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: Best disease, fluorescein angiogram (FA)
Retinal Telangiectasis
Nov 13 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
42 year old female with telangiectatic vessels and vascular sheathing. FA showed mild leakage with areas of peripheral non-perfusion. Pt is asymptomatic without inflammation in the vitreous. No history of systemic inflammatory disease. Will observe.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: retinal telangiectasia, telangiectatic vessels, vascular sheathing of retina
PDR/Vitreous Hemorrhage
Nov 20 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
76 year old male with new proliferative diabetic retinopathy. NVD and VH on exam. Pt treated with IVEylea, will consider PRP in the near future.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: PDR, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), VH, vitreous hemorrhage
Pigmentary Degeneration of Retina (Secondary to Elmiron)
Nov 27 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
77 year old female with advanced geographic atrophy after years of Elmiron use (stopped in 2018). Serial exams show continued progression of GA. Central vision limited, vision remains stable and patient does not report noticing any changes.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: geographic atrophy, secondary pigmentary degeneration, toxic maculopathy
Rosai-Dorfman Disease
Dec 4 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
72 year old female with temporal limbal lesion that extends onto the cornea from 10:00 - 8:00 encroaching on visual axis. Possible lymphomatous process. Will refer to Emory.
Photographer: Dr Chris Bergstrom MD, OD
Condition/keywords: corneal scars and opacities, Rosai-Dorfman Disease, Subconjunctival mass
Reactive Retinal Astrocytic Tumor
Dec 6 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
27 year old female self-referred for continued follow-up care of hemangioma of retina. Previous genetic testing negative for Von Hippel-Lindau. Pt recently diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Arthroclasia, most likely reactive retinal astrocytic tumor. Tumor is stable and surrounded by good laser barricade, will continue to observe.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: feeder vessel, hemangioma, RRAT
Repaired Retinal Detachment with Multiple Breaks
Dec 9 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
FAF in 25 year old female of repaired retinal detachment 1.5 year s/p scleral buckle/cryo. Pt had been having symptoms for over a year, inferior demarcation line from retinal fluid that was present. Retina remains flat and attached under buckle. Treated lattice inferiorly, no new holes or tears. VA 20/20
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: autofluorescence imaging, cryotherapy, demarcation line, lattice degeneration, scleral buckle
Myopic Degeneration
Dec 9 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
67 year old female with myopic degeneration. Posterior staphylomas are stable. VA limited by extensive chorioretinal atrophy. BCVA 20/160 (ecc)
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: chorioretinal atrophy, myopic degeneration, staphyloma
Dec 11 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
28 year old female with new Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome. Patient reports gray spot in vision, OCT shows RPE disruption centrally but no edema. FA shows early hyperfluorescent punctate spots throughout the posterior pole, but no leakage. Normal findings OD. Will observe for now
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: FA, fluorescein angiogram (FA), multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS)
Inactive Chorioretinal Scars
Dec 11 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
30 year old female with chorioretinal and macula scars. Appears post-infectious, most likely toxoplasmic. No active inflammatory changes or choroidal neovascularization. Will continue to monitor. Central vision limited by macula scar, BCVA 20/100
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: chorioretinal scar, inactive toxoplasmosis
Guardian Angel
Dec 11 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
48 year old female 3 months s/p brachytherapy for choroidal melanoma. Persistent subretinal and increased subfoveal fluid. Will observe for now, will consider Ozurdex if no improvement. BCVA 20/80
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: brachytherapy, choroidal melanoma, demarcation line, fundus autofluorescence (FAF), serous detachment, subretinal fluid
Snowbank in Intermediate Uveitis
Dec 12 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
25 year old female with intermediate uveitis. Improved inflammation after 40mg prednisone taper. Pt has multiple autoimmune diseases, will order MRI to r/o demyelinating disease.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: intermediate uveitis, snowballs, snowbank, uveitis
Coloboma in a Unicameral Eye
Dec 20 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
59 year old female with choroidal coloboma extending into iris. Pt had PC IOL placed in 2016, removed in Aug due to suspected UGH syndrome. Lens haptics were oriented vertically causing haptic to chafe iris superiorly. Most likely etiology was loss of inferior zonules from coloboma. Pt remains aphakic.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal coloboma, coloboma
Repaired Retinal Detachment with Grade C PVR
Dec 23 2024 by Virginia Gebhart
61 year old male 1 day s/p retinectomy/SO exchange. Retina is attached under SO with good laser to retinectomy edge.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: gas bubble, proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), retinectomy, silicone oil, total retinal detachment
Giant Retinal Tear with Detachment
Jan 3 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
67 year old male with mac-on RD with giant tear. Pt scheduled for sx
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: giant retinal tear, retinal tear with detachment
New Choroidal Melanoma
Jan 3 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
22 year old male referred for 2nd opinion on large choroidal mass with subretinal fluid. Clinical exam and ultrasound consistent with choroidal melanoma. CT scan of orbits showed possible inflammation involving orbital fat. Pt has been on oral prednisone for 1 week, inflammation has not responded. Referred to Emory for 2nd opinion on treatment
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma, melanoma
Melanocytoma of Optic Disc
Jan 13 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
25 year-old female referred for melanocytoma of optic disc. Lesion is benign, no treatment necessary. Pt asymptomatic.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon 50DX
Condition/keywords: benign melanocytoma, melanocytoma, optic disc melanocytoma
Suspicious Nevus
Jan 15 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
14 year female with suspicious nevus located adjacent to the optic nerve. Questionable orange pigment present and worsening SRF compared to previous photos/OCT. RPE atrophy also present from previous fluid. No elevation. Will continue observation. BCVA 20/25
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon 50DX
Condition/keywords: choroidal nevus, nevus
Elmiron Toxicity
Jan 15 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
54 year old female with pigmentary degeneration secondary to Elmiron. Stippled RPE maculopathy has lightly progressed with stable vision compared to previous visits. BCVA 20/200 OU. Pt reports taking Elmiron from 2010 to 2019.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: autofluorescence imaging, Maculopathy, secondary pigmentary degeneration
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Jan 15 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
52 year old male with advanced RP OU. BCVA HM OD, LP OS. Referred to genetic specialist per pt request to discuss gene therapy.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: bone spicule, retinitis pigmentosa, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) dystrophy
Jan 15 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
65 year old male with new central retinal vein occlusion with macular edema. Carotid ultrasound showed less than 50% stenosis bilateral. Dilated and tortuous vessels as well as cystoid macular edema and flame-shaped hemes in all 4 quadrants. Treated with IVA
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), macular edema
Choroidal Melanoma 3 Ways
Jan 16 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
RGB/FA/ICG of 76 year old female with a new choroidal melanoma. Pt scheduled for plaque radiation. BCVA 20/400
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanoma, fluorescein angiogram (FA), indocyanine green (ICG) angiography, OPTOS CALIFORNIA RGB
Sectoral Ocular Melanocytosis
Jan 17 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
67 year old female with congenital sectoral ocular melanocytosis. Pigmentation on nasal sclera and nasal iris of right eye, as well as deep pigmentation nasally of fundus. Will continue close observation
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart
Imaging device: Topcon 50DX/Samsung Galaxy
Condition/keywords: choroidal melanocytosis, heterochromia, ocular melanocytosis, Oculodermal Melanocytosis
Stargardt Disease
Jan 22 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
19 year old female with confirmed Stargardt Disease. Central RP atrophy with pigment clumping and "beaten metal" appearance. BCVA 20/125
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Topcon 50DX
Condition/keywords: pigment clumps, RP atrophy, Stargardt disease
Stargardt Disease (FA)
Jan 22 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
Fluorescein angiogram of 19 year old female with confirmed Stargardt Disease. Hyperfluorescence in the macula with staining defect and silent choroid.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: fluorescein angiogram (FA), Silent Choroid, Stargardt disease
Sickle-Cell Retinopathy
Jan 22 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
Fluorescein angiogram of 54 year old female with non-diabetic proliferative retinopathy. Recent labs confirm sickle-cell disease. FA shows temporal peripheral non perfusion with NV. S/p PRP with retrobulbar block
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: FA, Fluorescein angiography, Neovascularisation elsewhere (NVE), non-perfusion, Nose, pan-retinal photocoagulation (PRP), PRP, sickle cell retinopathy
Retinal Vasculitis/TAU
Jan 23 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
25 year-old female with vascular sheathing and traction, concern for possible tattoo-associated uveitis. Pt confirms ringing in ears and occasional rash on tattoos. Most recent lab workup revealed elevated ANA. Referred to rheumatologist, treatment pending. Recommended pt abstain from further tattoos.
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: retinal vasculitis
Proliferative Sickle Cell Retinopathy
Jan 27 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
61 year-old with proliferative sickle cell retinopathy s/p cryotherapy to peripheral fibrotic NV. Eye is stable with resolving exudates and maturing cryo scar. BCVA 20/40
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: cryotherapy, fibrotic neovascularization, sickle cell retinopathy
Ocular Melanocytosis w/Treated Melanoma
Jan 27 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
74 year female with ocular melanocytosis. Stable, regressed treated tumor s/p brachytherapy (2020) and deeply pigmented fundus OS. Limited VA due to radiation neuropathy. BCVA 20/150 (ecc)
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: brachytherapy, melanoma, melanosis, ocular melanocytosis
Retinal Detachment with Single Break
Feb 5 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
61 year old male with mac-off retinal detachment with single horseshoe tear. Macula has been off for several days and has developed associated cystic edema. Visual prognosis guarded. Pt schedule for PPV/Laser/GFE
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: horseshoe tear, PVD, retinal detachment
Mac-on Retinal Detachment (Barely!)
Feb 6 2025 by Virginia Gebhart
FAF of 46 year old male with a mac-on retinal detachment from 1:00 to 6:00 with a single break at 3:00. Pt scheduled for emergent PPV/Laser/GFE
Photographer: Virginia Gebhart, Retina Consultants of Carolina
Imaging device: Optos California
Condition/keywords: autofluorescence imaging, retinal detachment