Traumatic Retinal Tear


File number: 88183


    1. Aditya S Kelkar, MS, FRCS, FASRS,FRCOphth (February 21 2022)
      Please follow the above link for your referral. Thanks and regards.

    2. Aditya S Kelkar, MS, FRCS, FASRS,FRCOphth (January 19 2022)

      Thank you Dr Steven for your comments .Its possible that along with the retinal tears there s equatorial choroidal rupture too .I ll try to get follow up images for you Sir ...

    3. Steven M. Bloom, MD (January 19 2022)

      Those don't look like retinal tears. Looks like multiple equatorial choroidal ruptures.

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    Image of the week
    Jan 16, 2022
    View all images of the week
    Rating 2 ratings
    Appears in
    commotio retinae, Berlin's edema, retinal tear, cherry red spot
    Dr Sukanya Mondal. National Institute of Ophthalmology, Pune. India.
    Imaging device
    Fundus camera
    Zeiss Clarus 500
    Color fundus photograph of a 34-year old man's left eye, 2 hours after a tennis ball injury, showing commotio retinae with Berlin's edema and cherry red spot in the fovea along with linear retinal tears in the temporal equatorial zone.

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