Macular Choroidal Osteoma


File number: 230


    1. Eldusugi Ismail (February 15 2024)

      i suggest with each fundus photography (or case) published here , its diagnose & investigation done to reach the diagnose (as FFA, FAF , OCT ,OCTA , etc...)should publised with the case . by this way help youngers retina doctors & information given is complete

    2. Armando G. Sandoval, MD (January 22 2013)

      Past medical history of the patient

    3. Armando G. Sandoval, MD (January 22 2013)

      Do we have CT scann or MRI of the orbit ?
      How you make the diagnosis ?

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    Rating 3 ratings
    Appears in
    macular choroidal osteoma
    Imaging device
    Fundus camera
    Macular choroidal osteoma in a 29-year-old woman

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