By Norman Byer
From Dr. Norman E. Byer’s “The Peripheral Retina in Profile” - Uploaded on Nov 9, 2012.
- Last modified by Suber S. Huang, MD, MBA, FASRS on Feb 10, 2013.
- Reviewed by Chayal Patel
- Rating
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- Miscellaneous
- Condition/keywords
- pars planitis, peripheral uveitis, tractional retinal tear, inferior retinal detachment, creamy yellow exudates
- Description
- This 25-year-old man had pars planitis, peripheral uveitis bilaterally. In this eye it produced a small tractional oval tear of the retina and an inferior retinal detachment. The typical creamy yellow exudates of pars planitis can be seen in the lower right very close to the ora serrata.