Representative Electrooculogram Responses


File number: 130681


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    Appears in
    Best diseaseelectrooculogramEOGelectroretinography
    Gabrielle Hallai, PhD, Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute
    Imaging device
    Diagnosys ColorDome
    Electrooculogram responses on the left from a control individual with no known retinal pathology. There is a clear dark trough around 13 minutes (arrow down) and a light peak around 25 minutes (arrow up). The Arden ratio, or the light peak to dark trough ratio, is 2.54, indicative of normal retinal pigment epithelium function (normal > 1.80, abnormal < 1.65). On the right-hand side, there is a representative image from an individual with Best macular dystrophy. Note the reduced responses for both the dark and light phase. There is a reduced Arden ratio of 1.23, suggestive of abnormal retinal pigment epithelium function. An abnormal Arden ratio is universal in Best vitelliform macular dystrophy and is the most common electroretinographic change in this disease. Other bestrophinopathies such as autosomal recessive bestrophinopathy may have normal EOG. EOG testing was completed on the Diagnosys ColorDome.

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