Eloy Mata-Cortes, MD » Miscellaneous

  • CMV Retinitis

    Feb 17 2024 by Eloy Mata-Cortes, MD

    Fundus photograph of left eye showing Cytomegalovirus retinitis of a 40-year-old male with positive HIV history. He presented with CD4 cell count of 50 cells/mm3 and decreased vision of left eye. In the photograph we can see the three typical patterns in this retinitis: a hemorrhagic appearance in superior temporal arcade and between nasal arcades, granular pattern in superior temporal retina, and a “frosted branch” angiitis surrounding the retinal vessels in nasal and superior retina.

    Photographer: Eloy Mata-Cortes, Instituto Mexicano de Oftalmologia, Queretaro, Mexico

    Imaging device: Clarus 700

    Condition/keywords: CMV retinitis, cytomegalovirus (CMV), frosted branch angiitis, Frosted Branch Angitis

  • Cilioretinal Artery Occlusion

    May 14 2024 by Eloy Mata-Cortes, MD

    Color image capturing the left eye of a 32-year-old female. Despite a negative ophthalmological and medical history, she reported three days of blurred vision and a paracentral scotoma in her left eye, while maintaining central vision. The image reveals retinal whitening, extends from the parafoveal region to the inferotemporal arcade indicative of cilioretinal artery occlusion. Following this observation, the patient was referred for systemic assessment to explore the underlying etiology of the occlusion.

    Photographer: Eloy Mata-Cortes, MD, Instituto Mexicano de Oftalmología, Querétaro, México

    Imaging device: Nidek Mirante

    Condition/keywords: cilioretinal artery occlusion, oclussion, retinal whitening