Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD » Eals Disease

  • Eals Disease

    Jan 26 2013 by Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD

    FAG image of a 28-year-old male. Staining of scars due to laser photocoagulation can be seen.

    Photographer: Marko Lukic, MD

    Imaging device: Zeis Visucam Lite 2

    Condition/keywords: fundus photograph, laser photocoagulation

  • Eals disease

    Jan 26 2013 by Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD

    Color fundus photography of a 28-year-old male. Neovascularisations of the disc and retrohyaloid hemorrhages are seen together with intraretinal hemorrhages in macular area.

    Photographer: Marko Lukic, MD

    Imaging device: Zeis Visucam Lite 2

    Condition/keywords: Eales disease, retinal vascular disorders, retrohyaloid hemorrhage

  • Eals Disease

    Jan 26 2013 by Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD

    FAG image of peripheral fundus (upper temporal quadrant) of a 28-year-old male. Hypoflorescence due to capillary non perfusion is seen together with hyper florescent dots.

    Photographer: Marko Lukic, MD

    Imaging device: Zeis Visucam Lite 2

    Condition/keywords: capillary nonperfusion, Eales disease

  • Eals disease

    Jan 26 2013 by Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD

    FAG image of a 28-year-old male. Late venous phase with few important notes can be seen; neovascularisations of the optic disc, retrohyaloid hemorrhage in lower quadrants (hypoflorescent area) and hyperflorescent dots in macula.

    Photographer: Marko Lukic, MD

    Imaging device: Zeis Visucam Lite 2

    Condition/keywords: Eales disease