Retinoschisis with Retinal detachment
Jan 3 2023 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
Retinoschisis with Retinal detachment
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: ZeissClarus500
Condition/keywords: RETINOSCHISIS
Retinoschisis with Retinal detachment
Jan 3 2023 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
Retinoschisis with Retinal detachment
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: ZeissClarus500
Condition/keywords: RETINOSCHISIS
Idiopathic Vasculitis
Aug 29 2023 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
A 28 year old male with acute loss of vision and no history of any illness. Had profound loss of vision with severe vasulitis extending from central fundus to periphery.
Photographer: Ranjit Ray
Imaging device: Clarus
Condition/keywords: VASCULITIS
Idiopathic vasculitis
Aug 29 2023 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
A 28 year old male with acute loss of vision and no history of any illness. Had profound loss of vision with severe vasulitis extending from central fundus to periphery.
Photographer: Ranjit Ray
Imaging device: Clarus
Condition/keywords: VASCULITIS
Traumatic Macular Hole pre and post repair
Nov 25 2024 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
31 year-old male reported with h/o of blunt trauma over right eye ,from cricket ball. On examination DVA RE 6/60,LE 6/18,ant segment BE :WNL,FUNDUS RE:Sub retinal hemorrhage at macula with chroidal tear,LE :WNL. Undwer went 25G vitrectomy+sub retinal TPA+C3F8(RE).Post op 1 month DVA RE:6/24 ,ANT SEGMENT:WNL,FUNDUS:resolved sub retinal haem with traumatic macular hole. Under went repeat vit+autologous retinal transplant +SOI RE.POST SOR AFTER4monthsV/A :6/18 RE
Photographer: Ranjit Ray
Imaging device: Clarus 500
Condition/keywords: Macular hole, retinal graft, subretinal hemorrhage
Table Top TRD
Dec 5 2024 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
50 year old diabetic male with table top TRD and fair visual acuity .
Photographer: Ranjit Ray
Imaging device: Clarus500
Condition/keywords: florid type PDR, PDR, TRD
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Dec 5 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
36 year old gentleman , with IDDM and severe high risk PDR. Pre and post pattern scan PRP. This image pre PRP.
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: ZeissClarus500
Condition/keywords: HRC-PDR, IDDM, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Dec 5 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
36 year old gentleman , with IDDM and severe high risk PDR. Pre and post pattern scan PRP. This image post PRP
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: ZeissClarus500
Condition/keywords: HRC-PDR, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)
PVD induction with IVTA staining
Nov 1 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
This is an intraoperative photograph of Pvd induction showing both the macular and disc attatchments stained with triamcinolone.
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Condition/keywords: PVD induction, triamcinolone
Peripheral haemorrhagic. Choroidopathy
May 12 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
An elderly with peripheral subretinal haemorrhage due to a peripheral haemorrhagic choroidopathy akin to a peripheral PCV like lesion
Photographer: Shobhit chawla
Imaging device: Zeiss clarus 500
Submacular haemorrhage PCV
May 6 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
SUBMACULAR HAEMORRHAGE IN A 38YEAR OLD LADY PATIENT CAUSE POLYP BLEED IN PCV. Following viterectomy , subretinal tpa . gas and aflibercept injection. 1ST day post operative image.
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: ZeissClarus500
Condition/keywords: aflibercept, idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV), tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
Post Subretinal tpa , viterectomy and gas
May 6 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
SUBMACULAR HAEMORRHAGE IN A 38YEAR OLD LADY PATIENT CAUSE POLYP BLEED IN PCV. Following viterectomy , subretinal tpa . gas and aflibercept injection. 7 day post operative image.
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: Zeiss Clarus 500
Condition/keywords: aflibercept, intravitreal gas bubble, submacular hemorrhage, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), vitrectomy
PCV and Peripheral Hemorrhagic Choroidopathy
Feb 25 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
PCV and Peripheral Hemorrhagic Choroidopathy in right eye.
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: Zeiss Clarus 500
Condition/keywords: PERIPHERAL HAEMORRHAGIC CHOROIDOPATHY, polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV)
PCV and Peripheral Hemorrhagic Choroidopathy
Feb 25 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
PCV and Peripheral Hemorrhagic Choroidopathy in right eye.
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: Zeiss Clarus 500
Condition/keywords: PERIPHERAL HAEMORRHAGIC CHOROIDOPATHY, polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV)
Branching vascular network..Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
Feb 21 2022 by Shobhit Chawla, M.S.
A 56 year old patient on treatment with ANTIVGEF therapy for six years
Photographer: Shobhit Chawla
Imaging device: Zeiss Clarus 500
Condition/keywords: branching vascular network (BVN), polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV)