Jessica Norkus » 29-Mar-2019

  • Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy

    Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus

    Optos ultra wide field color image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.

    Photographer: Jessica Norkus

    Imaging device: Optos Wide Field Camera

    Condition/keywords: abnormal fundus, color fundus photograph, fundus photograph, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, Optomap, Optos, ultra-wide field imaging

  • Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy

    Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus

    Heidelberg single horizontal scan image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.

    Photographer: Jessica Norkus

    Imaging device: Heidelberg Spectralis

    Condition/keywords: Heidelburg Spectralis, macula lesion, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, optical coherence tomography (OCT)

  • Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy

    Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus

    Heidelberg single vertical scan image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.

    Photographer: Jessica Norkus

    Imaging device: Heidelberg Spectralis

    Condition/keywords: Heidelburg Spectralis, macula lesion, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, optical coherence tomography (OCT)

  • Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy

    Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus

    50 degree Auto fluorescent image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.

    Photographer: Jessica Norkus

    Imaging device: Heidelberg Spectralis

    Condition/keywords: Heidelburg Spectralis, macula lesion, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, optical coherence tomography (OCT), wide angle imaging

  • Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy

    Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus

    Optos ultra wide field auto fluorescent image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.

    Photographer: Jessica Norkus

    Imaging device: Optos Ultra Wide Field Camera

    Condition/keywords: fundus autofluorescence (FAF), fundus photograph, macula lesion, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, Optos, ultra-wide field imaging