Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy
Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus
Optos ultra wide field color image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.
Photographer: Jessica Norkus
Imaging device: Optos Wide Field Camera
Condition/keywords: abnormal fundus, color fundus photograph, fundus photograph, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, Optomap, Optos, ultra-wide field imaging
Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy
Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus
Heidelberg single horizontal scan image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.
Photographer: Jessica Norkus
Imaging device: Heidelberg Spectralis
Condition/keywords: Heidelburg Spectralis, macula lesion, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy
Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus
Heidelberg single vertical scan image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.
Photographer: Jessica Norkus
Imaging device: Heidelberg Spectralis
Condition/keywords: Heidelburg Spectralis, macula lesion, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy
Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus
50 degree Auto fluorescent image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.
Photographer: Jessica Norkus
Imaging device: Heidelberg Spectralis
Condition/keywords: Heidelburg Spectralis, macula lesion, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, optical coherence tomography (OCT), wide angle imaging
Serpiginous Choroidal Atrophy
Mar 29 2019 by Jessica Norkus
Optos ultra wide field auto fluorescent image of 20-year-old female presenting with serpiginous choroidal atrophy. Patient was unaware of vision loss OD, until accidentally covering OS and noticing the change. Acuity of 20/200 OD and 20/15 OS at time of imaging.
Photographer: Jessica Norkus
Imaging device: Optos Ultra Wide Field Camera
Condition/keywords: fundus autofluorescence (FAF), fundus photograph, macula lesion, macula serpiginous choroidopathy, Optos, ultra-wide field imaging