Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology » Unit 02 Suppurative and Nongranulomatous Ocular Inflammation

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Hypopyon in a suppurative endophthalmitis following cataract surgery.

    Condition/keywords: cataract, endophthalmitis, hypopyon

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Panophthalmitis secondary to an intraocular foreign body. Note the tre­mendous lid swelling with sharp demarcation, indicating a retroseptal (orbital) process. (Courtesy of Theodore Smith, M.D.)

    Condition/keywords: demarcation, panophthalmitis , retroseptal

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Suppurative endophthalmitis complicating a postoperative iris prolapse. The anterior chamber is full of pus. Prolapse site at the upper left limbus is necrotic.

    Condition/keywords: endophthalmitis, limbus, vitreous prolapse

  • Slide 2-14

    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Papillitis indicated by the disc edema, perivascular infiltrate, and overly­ing fibrinous exudate in fungal endophthalmitis.

    Condition/keywords: edema, fibrinous exudate, fungal endophthalmitis, papillitis

  • Slide 2-15

    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Marked scleral edema and obliteration of Tenon's space in panophthal­mitis.

    Condition/keywords: panophthalmitis , scleral edema, Tenon's space

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Organization of fibrinous exudate from iris, causing posterior synechiae and pupillary membrane.

    Condition/keywords: fibrinous exudate, membranes, posterior synechiae

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Adhesion of iris to trabeculum produces peripheral anterior synechiae.

    Condition/keywords: peripheral anterior synechiae, trabeculum

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    The vitreous has contracted into a thick, pink membrane lying behind the lens. This "cyclitic" membrane pulls on the peripheral retina and ciliary body and may detach both in a post-traumatic endophthalmitis.

    Condition/keywords: ciliary, cyclitic, endophthalmitis, vitreous

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Tubules and cords of proliferated retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) under a detached retina, at the ora serrata. The surrounding pink collagen and base­ment membrane is also made by the RPE.

    Condition/keywords: ora serrata, retinal pigment epithelium

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Rupture in the lens capsule has allowed sensitization to lens protein to occur. Note the infiltration of the lens with PMNs and the early granulomatous reaction (phacoanaphylaxis).

    Condition/keywords: granulomatous reaction, phacoanaphylaxis, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs)

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Anterior squaring of the eye in early shrinkage.

    Condition/keywords: anterior squaring, shrinkage

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Unrecognizable phthisical eye, 40 years after trauma.

    Condition/keywords: phthisical, trauma

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Phthisis bulbi showing small globe, thick sclera, atrophy of all structures, and bone formation filling the posterior third.

    Condition/keywords: atrophy, sclera

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Mature bone on the surface of the choroid.

    Condition/keywords: bone, choroid

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Mononuclear cells in the iris and ciliary body, in a herpes simplex irido­cyclitis.

    Condition/keywords: ciliary, Herpes, iris, mononuclear

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Note the inflammatory cells in the inner retinal layers and the inclusions in most ganglion and bipolar layer nuclei.

    Condition/keywords: ganglion, Herpes, nuclei

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Rubella cataract. Lens bow is well-formed but all nuclear fibers on the left have retained nuclear remnants.

    Condition/keywords: cataract, lens bow

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Ciliary body showing clumps of pigment derived from necrotic ciliary pigment epithelium. Note the mild round cell infiltrate around vessels.

    Condition/keywords: ciliary, epithelium, necrotic ciliary pigment

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Macular area in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Retina has wrinkled internal limiting membrane. Most of the retinal layers are destroyed. Two large, red intranuclear inclusions are visible, in the mid-retinal cells, on the left and right. Note the abrupt loss of RPE under the area and the minimal number of lymphocytes.

    Condition/keywords: intranuclear, lymphocytes, macular, retinal pigment epithelium, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Malignant melanoma of the choroid. Smaller, deep blue cells over the tumor are lymphocytes.

    Condition/keywords: choroid, lymphocytes, melanoma

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Extensive lymphocytic infiltration of the choroid and episcleral tissues in benign lymphoid hyperplasia. Note the serous macular detachment.

    Condition/keywords: choroid, episcleral tissues, lymphocytic infiltration, lymphoid hyperplasia, macular detachment

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Large lymphocytes with germinal centers in the choroid.

    Condition/keywords: choroid, germinal, lymphocytes

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Necrotizing inflammation of the corneoscleral limbus in Wegener's gran­ulomatosis. Note presence of mononuclear cells in the trabeculum and peripheral iris.

    Condition/keywords: corneoscleral limbus, granulomatosis, iris, trabeculum

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Atrophic retina following hemorrhagic infarction in Behcet's disease. The preretinal membrane has many hemosiderin-containing (brown) macrophages. The RPE is mostly destroyed. Foci of lymphocytes are still present in the choroid (active uveitis).

    Condition/keywords: atrophy, Behcet's Disease, choroid, hemorrhagic infarction, hemosiderin, lymphocytes, retinal pigment epithelium

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Atrophic iris in Fuch's heterochromic iridocyclitis. Mild plasma cell and lymphocytic infiltrate is present, as well as small vessels in the anterior border layer.

    Condition/keywords: Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis, iris atrophy, lymphocytes

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Involvement of the pars plana region in a 55-year-old woman with sarcoid. "Snow bank" exudate over the ciliary body and large vitreous opacities resem­ble those in the clinical entity "pars planitis."

    Condition/keywords: ciliary, pars plana, pars planitis, sarcoid, vitreous opacity

  • Slide 2-37

    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Nodule of mononuclear cells in the iris of an eye with chronic nongran­ulomatous iritis.

    Condition/keywords: iris, iritis, mononuclear

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Marked atrophy of the iris stroma and pigment epithelium, virtual ab­sence of stromal pigment, and scanty but diffuse round cell infiltrate in chronic nongranulomatous anterior uveitis.

    Condition/keywords: atrophy, chronic nongranulomatous anterior uveitis, epithelium, iris, stroma

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Cystic macula in chronic nongranulomatous uveitis.

    Condition/keywords: chronic nongranulomatous uveitis, cystoid macular degeneration

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    End-stage of chronic nongranulomatous uveitis in a 47-year-old male with arthritis, showing iris bombe, cystic separation of the iris pigment layers, intu­mescent cataract, cyclitic membrane, fresh hemorrhage from new oral vessels, and complete retinal detachment.

    Condition/keywords: cataract, chronic nongranulomatous uveitis, cyclitic membrane, iris bombe

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    Feb 19 2019 by Lancaster Course in Ophthalmology

    Blue, granular calcium deposits in Bowman's membrane region, consti­tuting a band keratopathy in chronic uveitis.

    Condition/keywords: Bowman's membrane, chronic uveitis, keratopathy