Navneet Mehrotra, DNB » Miscellaneous

  • Pigmentary Paravenous Retinochoroidal Atrophy (Left Eye)

    Jun 30 2017 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photograph of the left eye of a 44-year-old female with bony corpuscle pigmentation along the retinal vessels.

    Photographer: Rakesh Juneja, Retina Foundation, Ahmedabad

    Condition/keywords: atrophy, pigment, retinochoroidopathy

  • Pigmentary Paravenous Retinochoroidal Atrophy (Right Eye)

    Jun 30 2017 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photograph of the right eye of a 44-year-old female with bony corpuscle pigmentation along the retinal vessels.

    Photographer: Rakesh Juneja, Retina Foundation, Ahmedabad

    Condition/keywords: atrophy, retinochoroidopathy

  • Leber's Miliary Aneurysm With Epiretinal Membrane

    Sep 14 2017 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photo of a 47-year-old male with miliary aneurysms with epiretrinal membrane.

    Photographer: Rakesh Juneja, retina foundation Ahmedabad

    Condition/keywords: Leber's miliary aneurysm


    Oct 14 2017 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    fundus autofluorescence OD showing peripapillary hypoautofluorescence surrounded by an area of hyperautofluorescence with well demarcated margins suggestive of AZOOR.

    Photographer: Ashish jain, Retina Foundation, Ahmedabad

    Imaging device: Heidelberg spectralis

    Condition/keywords: acute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR)


    Oct 14 2017 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus autofluorescence OS showing peripapillary hypoautofluorescence surrounded by an area of hyperautofluorescence with well demarcated margins suggestive of AZOOR.

    Photographer: Ashish jain, Retina Foundation, Ahmedabad

    Imaging device: Heidelberg spectralis

    Condition/keywords: acute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR)

  • Progressive Outer Retinal Necrosis

    Nov 19 2017 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    42-year-old HIV positive male with reduced vision in right eye for two weeks.

    Photographer: Mehul Prajapati

    Imaging device: Topcon

    Condition/keywords: HIV, progressive outer retinal necrosis (PORN)

  • Bullous RD With Dislocated Lens

    Apr 3 2018 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Dislocated clear lens and associated retinal detachment in a young patient with Marfan's syndrome.

    Photographer: Navneet Mehrotra

    Imaging device: Sony 3 chip camera

    Condition/keywords: dislocated crystalline lens, Marfan's syndrome

  • Post Traumatic ERM With Large Retinal Tear

    Apr 9 2018 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    A 22-year-old male presented with epiretinal membrane with large retinal tear and pigmentary changes, two months following blunt trauma

    Photographer: Mehul Choudhary

    Condition/keywords: epiretinal membrane (ERM), pigment changes, retinal tear, trauma

  • Spontaneously Reattached Retina

    Apr 19 2018 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photograph of a 34-years-old female with spontaneously reattached retina.

    Photographer: Mehul Choudhary

    Imaging device: Topcon

    Condition/keywords: spontaneous retinal reattachment

  • Small subILM Hemorrhage

    Oct 26 2019 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    44-year-old hypertensive male with sudden decrease in vision showing small sub ILM hemorrhage at macula.

    Photographer: Navneet Mehrotra

    Imaging device: NidekRS330

    Condition/keywords: hypertension, subILM hemorrhage

  • Lymphoma Lesion at the Posterior Pole

    Dec 27 2019 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photograph of a 54-year-old female with posterior pole leopard skin lesion temporal to fovea. She underwent treatment for primary CNS lymphoma.

    Photographer: Mitanshi

    Imaging device: NIDEK MIRANTE

    Condition/keywords: lymphoma, posterior pole lesion

  • Large Posterior Tear Following Trauma

    Dec 27 2019 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    A 18-year-old male presented with diminution of vision following blunt trauma to the eye. large tear was noted at the posterior pole.

    Photographer: Navneet Mehrotra

    Imaging device: Topcon

    Condition/keywords: posterior tear

  • Neuroretinitis

    Feb 19 2020 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photograph of a 31-year-old male with blurring of vision for 10 days. History of fever 10 days back. No history of contact with pets.

    Photographer: Mitanshi, Retina Foundation, Ahmedabad

    Imaging device: NIDEK MIRANTE

    Condition/keywords: neuroretinitis

  • Doyne Honeycomb Retinal Dystrophy

    Sep 29 2020 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Left eye fundus photograph of a 36-year-old female with decreased vision both eyes for six months. Father also had a similar retinal disorder.

    Photographer: Dr Navneet Mehrotra

    Imaging device: TRC- NW8F

    Condition/keywords: Doyne's Honeycomb, drusen, Malattia Leventinese

  • Doyne Honeycomb Retinal Dystrophy

    Sep 29 2020 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Right eye fundus photograph of a 36-year-old female with decreased vision both eyes for six months. Father also had a similar retinal disorder.

    Photographer: Dr Navneet Mehrotra, Retina Care, Ahmedabad

    Imaging device: TRC- NW8F

    Condition/keywords: Doyne's Honeycomb, familial drusen, Malattia Leventinese

  • Sub ILM Bleed in a Case of Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysm

    Mar 11 2021 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photograph of a 42-year-old female, who presented with sudden diminution of vision since morning.

    Photographer: Navneet Mehrotra

    Imaging device: Nidek RS 330

    Condition/keywords: retinal arterial macroaneurysm

  • Attached Retina in a Silicon Oil Filled Buckled Eye with Retinectomy

    Apr 17 2021 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photograph of a 12-year-old boy operated for re retinal detachment with PVR showing attached retina with fresh and old laser marks, silicon oil filled and relaxing retinectomy.

    Photographer: Dr Nivesh Gupta, Retina Foundation

    Imaging device: Nidek mirante

    Condition/keywords: proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), retinectomy, scleral buckle

  • Combined hamartoma of retina and retinal pigment epithelium

    Aug 8 2023 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    A 20 year old female presented with decreased vision and metamorphopsia noticed in her left eye for one year. Other eye was normal. BCVA was 6/12 in her left eye.

    Photographer: Dharti, Retina Care , Ahmedabad

    Condition/keywords: Combined pigment epithelial and retinal hamartoma

  • Melanocytoma of the optic disc

    Oct 10 2023 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    melanocytoma of the optic nerve head in a 48 year old female diagnosed on routine examination

    Photographer: Dharti, Retina Care , Ahmedabad

    Imaging device: Nidek RS 330

    Condition/keywords: benign pigmented lesion, melanocytoma

  • Left Eye Acute Retinal Pigment Epithelitis

    Jul 25 2024 by Navneet Mehrotra, DNB

    Fundus photograph of a 17 year old boy with sudden decrease in vision in his left eye. Retinal pigment epithelial changes were noticed at the macula.

    Photographer: Navneet Mehrotra

    Imaging device: Nidek

    Condition/keywords: retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) changes