Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS » Choroidal Hemangioma

A 49 year old woman presented with metamorphopsia OS. She was noted to have a subtle orange-hued lesion superior nasal to the fovea. There were some small punched-out spots superior and inferior to the fovea, a common finding in the midwest, where POHS is prevalent. Fluorescein angiography revealed a well-circumscribed coarse hyperfluorescent vascular pattern within the lesion. There was no leakage during the late phase of the angiogram. OCT revealed subretinal fluid superior nasal to the fovea. B-scan showed a shallow echodense mass adjacent to the optic nerve with shallow overlying subretinal fluid. These findings were all characteristic of choroidal hemangioma.

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 15 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    Color fundus photography reveals a 2 x 3 DD well circumscribed orange-hued lesion superior nasal to the fovea. There were several small punched out spots inferior and superior to the fovea that were incidentally noted.

    Photographer: Charlotte Harris

    Condition/keywords: choroidal hemangioma, choroidal tumor, color fundus photograph

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 15 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    Red-free photography reveals a 2 x 3 DD well circumscribed lesion superior nasal to the fovea.

    Photographer: Charlotte Harris

    Condition/keywords: choroidal hemangioma, choroidal tumor, red-free

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 15 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    Mid-phase fluorescein angiography reveals a well-circumscribed coarse hyperfluorescent vascular pattern within the lesion.

    Photographer: Charlotte Harris

    Condition/keywords: choroidal hemangioma, choroidal tumor, FA mid phase

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 15 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    Mid-phase fluorescein angiography reveals a well-circumscribed coarse hyperfluorescent vascular pattern within the lesion.

    Photographer: Charlotte Harris

    Condition/keywords: choroidal hemangioma, choroidal tumor, FA mid phase

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 15 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    Mid-phase fluorescein angiography reveals a well-circumscribed coarse hyperfluorescent vascular pattern within the lesion.

    Photographer: Charlotte Harris

    Condition/keywords: choroidal hemangioma, choroidal tumor, FA mid phase

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 15 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    Late phase fuorescein angiography reveals a well-circumscribed coarse hyperfluorescent vascular pattern within the lesion. There is no leakage.

    Photographer: Charlotte Harris

    Condition/keywords: choroidal hemangioma, choroidal tumor, late phase

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 7 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    OCT macular thickness map reveals thickening superior nasal to the fovea.

    Condition/keywords: choroidal hemangioma

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 7 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    OCT shows subretinal fluid nasal to the fovea.

    Condition/keywords: choroidal hemangioma

  • Choroidal Hemangioma

    Sep 7 2014 by Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, FASRS

    B-scan shows shallow echodense lesion nasal to the optic nerve with shallow overlying subretinal fluid.

    Condition/keywords: B scan ultrasound, choroidal hemangioma