Giant Retinal Tear
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Fundus photo montage of 55-year-old male with retinal detainment and giant retinal tear. Same patient as above.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: giant retinal tear
Giant Retinal Tear
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Fundus photo montage of 55-year-old male with retinal detachment and giant retinal tear.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: giant retinal tear
Racemose Hemangiomatosis
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Fundus photo of 25-year-old female with racemose hemangiomatosis OS.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: racemose hemangioma
Coat's Disease
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Fluorescence angiography image of 30-year-old female with Coats' Disease OD.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: Coats' disease
Flying Baby Imaging Technique
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
7-month-old male with improving ROP.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
Persistent Fetal Vasculature
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
56-year-old male with persistent fetal vasculature.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: persistent fetal vasculature (PFV)
Persistent Fetal Vasculature
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
56-year-old male with persistent fetal vasculature.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: persistent fetal vasculature (PFV)
Choroidal Neovascularization
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
73-year-old female with CNV.
Photographer: Jeffrey Barker, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: choroidal neovascularization (CNV)
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Fluorescein angiography image of 28 year old female with focal chorioretinal inflammation, macular or paramacular OS. chorioretinal scar OS.
Photographer: Jeffrey Barker, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: choroidopathy
Stargardt's Disease
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Fundus autofluorescence image of 46-year-old male with Stargardt's Disease.
Photographer: Jeffrey Barker, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: Stargardt disease
Retinopathy of Prematurity, Flying Baby Imaging Technique
May 27 2020 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
7-month-old male with improving ROP, was imaged using the flying baby technique and the use of a lid speculum.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer, Retina-Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Imaging device: California Optos
Condition/keywords: retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
Widefield Infant with Congenital Coloboma
Jan 20 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
3 month old with congenital coloboma.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: coloboma, infant
Puzzle Retinitis
Jan 20 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Puzzle artifact after imaging on a smaller field of view with blue light autofluorescence.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: autofluorescence imaging, normal eye
Congenital Macular Changes
Jan 20 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Congenital macular changes in a 2-year-old.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: congenital, pediatic retina
Soemmering's Ring
Jan 20 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Dislocated IOL and Soemmering's Ring.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: anterior chamber, anterior dislocation of lens, Soemmering's ring
Macular Nevus
Jan 20 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Macular Nevus as well as CSR.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: choroidal nevus, macula lesion
Retinal Capillary Hemangioma
Jan 20 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Retinal capillary hemangioma, OD.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: fluorescein angiogram (FA), retinal capillary hemangioma
Waardenberg Syndrome
Jan 21 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
9-year-old African American female, fellow eye color blue.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: anterior segment, iris, waardenburg syndrome
Jan 21 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
Fluorescein Image of a central retinal vein occlusion of the right eye.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Condition/keywords: central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), fluorescein angiogram (FA)
Metastatic Breast Carcinoma
Jan 21 2021 by Jamin S. Brown, MD
This anterior segment photograph was taken with a smartphone camera attached to a regular Haag Streit slit lamp ocular demonstrates unusual clustering of white cells on the posterior surface of the intraocular lens. The clinical diagnosis is metastatic breast carcinoma to the vitreous, which is very rare.
Photographer: Stefanie Palmer CRA, Retina Vitreous Surgeons of CNY
Imaging device: Cell phone camera
Condition/keywords: anterior segment, breast cancer, cell phone camera, slit lamp photo