Feb 24 2014 by Susanna S. Park, MD, PhD
Fundus photograph of a 59-year-old woman on chemotherapy for acute lymphocytic leukemia with new vision loss from cytomegalovirus retinitis
Photographer: Ellen Redenbo, UC Davis Eye Center
Condition/keywords: acute leukemia, CMV retinitis
Feb 24 2014 by Susanna S. Park, MD, PhD
Posterior pole fundus photo of a 35-year-old woman showing media haze from acute vitritis associated with a focal mid-peripheral retinochorioretinitis next to an old scar.
Photographer: Ellen Redeenbo, University of California Davis Eye Center
Condition/keywords: toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis, vitritis
Toxoplasmosis Retinochoroiditis
Feb 24 2014 by Susanna S. Park, MD, PhD
Fundus photo of a 35-year-old woman with new vision loss and floaters showing focal retinochoroiditis adjacent to an old scar and vitritis.
Photographer: Ellen Redenbo, University of California Davis
Condition/keywords: acute, toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis, vitritis
Feb 24 2014 by Susanna S. Park, MD, PhD
Macular OCT of a 59-year-old woman on systemic chemotherapy for acute lymphocytic leukemia with new vision loss. Macular infiltration and submacular fluid are noted. Fundus examination showed a hemorrhagic retinitis in the macula from cytomegalovirus infection.
Photographer: Karishma Chandra, University of California Davis Eye Center
Imaging device: Cirrus OCT
Condition/keywords: CMV retinitis, optical coherence tomography (OCT)