Intra-operative still of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Apr 15 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Intra-operative still of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment taken using an indigenous 1CMOS HD camera
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: intraoperative, vitrectomy
Intra-operative still of PFCL bubble in RD Surgery
Apr 15 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Intra-operative still of PFCL bubble in RD Surgery. PFCL being used to flatten the detached retina.
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: intraoperative, pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), PFCL, Retinal Detachment
Sub-Macular Haemorrhage
Apr 15 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Sub-Retinal haemorrhage secondary to PCV in an elderly gentleman.
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV), submacular hemorrhage
Advanced Diabetic Table-top TRD Intra-Operative Still
Apr 25 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Advanced Diabetic Table-top TRD Intra-Operative Still undergoing Bimanual Vitrectomy Surgery
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Imaging device: Intra-Operative Still
Condition/keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, TRD, vitrectomy
Cutter Segmentation in a case of Diabetic Combined Retinal Detachment | Intra-Operative Still
Apr 25 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Cutter Segmentation in a case of Diabetic Combined Retinal Detachment | Intra-Operative Still Patient underwent Vitrectomy with Silicone Oil
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: combined retinal detachment, cutter, diabetic retinopathy, intraoperative, pars plana vitrectomy (PPV)
Air Bubbles behind Posterior Capsule and Intra-Ocular Lens in the Anterior Hyaloid Phase during Vitrectomy Retina Surgery
Apr 28 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Air Bubbles behind Posterior Capsule and Intra-Ocular Lens in the Anterior Hyaloid Phase during Vitrectomy Retina Surgery | Intra-Operative Still
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: air bubbles, anterior hyaloid, hyaloid, Intra-Operative Still, lens, vitrectomy
BBG Dye injection to Stain ILM during Vitrectomy Surgery | Intra-Operative Still
Apr 28 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
BBG Dye injection to Stain ILM during Vitrectomy Surgery | Intra-Operative Still
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: brilliant blue staining, ERM, ILM staining
Epiretinal Membrane Peeling during Vitrectomy Surgery | Intra-Operative Still
Apr 28 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Epiretinal Membrane Peeling during Vitrectomy Surgery | Intra-Operative Still
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: ERM, peeling, vitreomacular surgery
Intra-operative PRP in a diabetic vitrectomy case
Apr 28 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Pan-Retinal Fill-in Laser Photocoagulation in a Diabetic Vitrectomy Retina Surgery
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: diabetic, pan-retinal photocoagulation (PRP), vitrectomy
Partial Air-Fluid Exchange in a Diabetic Vitrectomy Retina Surgery
Apr 28 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Partial Air-Fluid Exchange in a Diabetic Vitrectomy Retina Surgery
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: air fluid exchange, pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)
Completed Air-Fluid Exchange in Diabetic Vitrectomy Retina Surgery
Apr 28 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Completed Air-Fluid Exchange in Diabetic Vitrectomy Retina Surgery
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: air fluid exchange, PDR, vitrectomy
Completed Pan-Retinal Fill-in Laser Photocoagulation in an Air filled eye at the end of Diabetic Vitrectomy Retina Surgery
Apr 28 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Completed Pan-Retinal Fill-in Laser Photocoagulation in an Air filled eye at the end of Diabetic Vitrectomy Retina Surgery
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Condition/keywords: air-filled, pan-retinal photocoagulation (PRP), vitrectomy
The greater the Storm, the brighter the Rainbow!
Sep 19 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Intra-operative still image of a Diabetic TRD case at conclusion with a rainbow shining through the IOL edge.
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Imaging device: Intra-Operative Still Image
Condition/keywords: diabetic, retina surgery, TRD
Massive Sub-Retinal Haemorrhage involving Macula : Intra-operative still image
Oct 26 2023 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Massive Sub-Retinal Haemorrhage involving Macula : Intra-operative still image
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Imaging device: Ikegami 4k Microscope Camera
Condition/keywords: Haemorrhage, macula, Massive, Sub-Retinal
Scleral Suspension CMT-Flex SFIOL Implantation
Apr 16 2024 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Implantation of the Sutureless Scleral Suspension CMT-Flex SFIOL along with 25G Vitrectomy
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Imaging device: Ikegami 4k Microscope Camera
Condition/keywords: CMT-Flex SFIOL, Scleral Suspension, Trailing Haptic
Gigantic Curved Glass Intraocular Foreign Body
Jun 6 2024 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Gigantic Curved Glass Intraocular Foreign Body measuring 15x10 mm size
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Imaging device: Ikegami 4k Microscope Camera
Condition/keywords: Curved Glass, Gigantic, IOFB
Medial Rectus and Scleral Suturing in a Case of Penetrating Trauma
Aug 16 2024 by Veer Singh, MS, FVRS, FMRF, FICO (Retina)
Medial rectus and scleral suturing in a case of penetrating trauma.
Photographer: Dr. Veer Singh
Imaging device: Intra-Operative Still Image
Condition/keywords: Medial Rectus, Penetrating trauma, Scleral Suturing