Optic Disc Edema With Macular Star
Jun 22 2013 by James A Eadie, MD
Fundus photograph montage of a 14-year-old girl with optic disc edema with macular star. Her laboratory work-up was negative for known causes. She improved from 20/200 to 20/40 with observation/an empirical course of doxycycline.
Photographer: Wendy Malmberg-Lorentz
Condition/keywords: neuroretinitis, optic disc edema
Optic Disc Edema With Macular Star at Presentation
Jun 22 2013 by James A Eadie, MD
Fundus photo of a 14-year-old girl with very early macular star.
Photographer: Wendy Malmberg-Lorenz
Condition/keywords: optic disc edema
Optic Disc Edema With Macular Star-OCT at Presentation
Jun 24 2013 by James A Eadie, MD
Optic disc edema with macular star-OCT of very early star.
Photographer: Wendy Malmberg-Lorentz
Condition/keywords: neuroretinitis, optic disc edema
Optic Disc Edema With Macular Star, 2 Weeks After Presentation
Jun 22 2013 by James A Eadie, MD
Fundus photograph of a 14-year old girl with optic disc edema with macular star 2 weeks after presentation. Vision dropped to 20/200.
Photographer: Wendy Malmberg-Lorenz
Condition/keywords: neuroretinitis, optic disc edema
Optic Disc Edema With Macular Star, 6 Weeks After Presentation
Jun 22 2013 by James A Eadie, MD
Fundus photograph montage of a 14-year-old girl with optic disc edema with macular star. Improving 6 weeks after initial presentation.
Photographer: Wendy Malmberg-Lorenz
Condition/keywords: neuroretinitis, optic disc edema
Optic Disc Edema With Macular Star, OCT 6 Weeks After Presentation
Jun 22 2013 by James A Eadie, MD
OCT of a 14-year-old woman 6 weeks after presenting optic disc edema with macular star. Exudate in Henle's layer is clearly demonstrated.
Photographer: Wendy Malmberg-Lorentz
Condition/keywords: neuroretinitis, optic disc edema