Self-Settled Retinal Detachment
Aug 21 2023 by rahul saradge
Photographer: Rekha Pathak, Isha Netralaya
Berlin's Edema
Aug 21 2023 by rahul saradge
Photographer: Ramjan Shaikh, Isha Netralaya
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: Berlin's edema
Central Areolar Choroidal Dystrophy
Aug 21 2023 by rahul saradge
54 year old female well circumscribed, bilateral and symmetrical lesion with loss of retinal and choroidal tissue in the macular area.
Photographer: Sushil Zende, Isha Netralaya
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: central areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD)
Central Areolar Choroidal Dystrophy
Aug 21 2023 by rahul saradge
54 year old female well circumscribed, bilateral and symmetrical lesion with loss of retinal and choroidal tissue in the macular area.
Photographer: Sushil Zende, Isha Netralaya
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: autofluorescence imagingcentral areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD)
BRVO and Perivascular Sheathing
Aug 21 2023 by rahul saradge
30 years old male with BRVO and perivascular sheathing .
Photographer: Dhruvakshi Kharade, Isha Netralaya
Imaging device: Optos
Condition/keywords: BRVOPerivascular Sheathing
CMV Retinitis with Shallow RD
Aug 21 2023 by rahul saradge
Photographer: Hitesh Rawlani , Isha Netralaya
Condition/keywords: cmv retinits with shallow RD
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Aug 22 2023 by rahul saradge
39 year old with unstable PDR s/p PRP , vitreous hemorrhage.
Photographer: Aniket Pednekar , Isha Netralaya
Condition/keywords: PRPred-freevitreous blood
CRVO, Disc Edema and Macular Thickening
Aug 22 2023 by rahul saradge
68 year old male with CRVO, disc edema and macular thickening (red free)
Photographer: Neha Singh ,Isha Netralaya
Condition/keywords: central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO)disc edemared-free
Bergmeister's Papilla
Sep 1 2023 by rahul saradge
Bergmeister's papilla
Photographer: Ajay Butta ,Isha Netralaya
Condition/keywords: Bergmeister's PapillaeOptos
Persistent Pupillary Membrane
Oct 4 2023 by rahul saradge
45 year old female present with a complaint of recurrently something moving in front of the right eye. slit lamp examination suggestive of PPM with prominent collarette.
Photographer: Meenakshi Sonawane (Intern), Isha Netralaya
Imaging device: Appaswamy Dynamic imaging system
Condition/keywords: persistent pupillary membrane
Antero-Posterior Glance
Nov 5 2023 by rahul saradge
image through the principle axis with visibility of all structure in pathway .
Photographer: Optom Rahul , Isha Netralaya
Condition/keywords: opticalOptosposterior chamber intraocular lens (PCIOL)
Antero-Posterior Glance
Nov 5 2023 by rahul saradge
image through the principle axis with visibility of all structure in pathway .
Photographer: Optom Rahul , Isha Netralaya
Scleral buckle indent s/p retina surgery
Dec 13 2023 by rahul saradge
Scleral buckle indent s/p retina surgery
Photographer: Saloni Mishra , Isha Netralaya.
Imaging device: optos
Condition/keywords: OptosRetina buckleretina surgeryscleral buckleultra-wide field imaging
Combined Pathology
Oct 26 2024 by rahul saradge
53 year old male patient was presented with a complaints of diminished vision in LE since 1 month. The BCVA in RE was 6/36p and LE was CF 1/2m. Ocular dilated examination showed RE temporal CD with ?CRVO,OIS and OS showed TRD and old Hemi CRVO. Patient was injected with PST tricot followed by PRP laser at an interval of 1 week. Patient improved to BCVA 6/9.
Photographer: Aishwarya Bangar Isha Netralaya Thane
Imaging device: optos
Condition/keywords: choroidal detachmentcrvooisoptospan retinal photocoagulationtractional retinal detachment
Diabetic Retinopathy
Oct 26 2024 by rahul saradge
Patient was presented to clinic with a complaint of progressive DOV and retinal evaluation showed PDR.
Photographer: Lokesh Dukare ,Isha Netralaya Thane
Imaging device: optos
Condition/keywords: diabetic retinopathyoptosPDRretinaRetinal Detachment with Vitreous Hemorrhage
Aggressive ROP
Oct 26 2024 by rahul saradge
Premature baby referred for ROP evaluation. HALF ZONE 1 was only vascularised, Patient was given Inj Anti-Vegf followed by ROP Laser after 1 week.
Photographer: Ankita Choudhary ,Isha Netralaya Thane
Imaging device: optos
Condition/keywords: aggresive retinopathy of prematurityoptosretinopathy of prematurity
Aggressive ROP
Oct 26 2024 by rahul saradge
Premature baby referred for ROP evaluation. HALF ZONE 1 was only vascularised, Patient was given Inj Anti-Vegf follwed by ROP Laser after 1 week
Photographer: Neha Choudhary,Isha Netralaya Thane
Imaging device: optos
Condition/keywords: aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity (APROP)retinopathy of prematurity
Exudative Retinal Detachment
Oct 26 2024 by rahul saradge
41y/M, k/c/o TYPE 1 DM DOV SINCE 1 WEEK OU H/O TYPHOID 2 WEEKS BACK Here is the image showing Exudative RD in Right Eye We Planned PRP laser for this patient, advised him Carotid Doppler and 2D ECHO
Photographer: Anagha Wakode, Isha Netralaya Thane
Imaging device: optos
Condition/keywords: choroidalsexudative Retinal detachment
Advanced RP
Nov 5 2024 by rahul saradge
A man, 58, arrived complaining of BOV for both near and distance vision in both eyes, with a 6/9 BCVA in each eye. For a year, the patient had been taking medication for both diabetes and hypertension. In both eyes, the dilated ophthalmoscopic retina revealed waxy disc pallor paired with bony spicules in the mid-periphery. The patient was prescribed spectacles and given counseling regarding the nature of the illness.
Photographer: Lokesh Dukare ,Isha Netralaya Thane
Imaging device: optos
Condition/keywords: bone spiculeoptic disc pallorOptosRetinitis Pigmentosa