Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion
Mar 5 2023 by Kalyan Singh
Young female with unilateral chronic diminution of vision presented in our OPD.
Photographer: Kalyan Singh, GSVM medical college, Kanpur
Imaging device: Smartphone (1 plus 10R)
Condition/keywords: BRVO
Ocular toxoplasmosis
Mar 5 2023 by Kalyan Singh
Chronic unilateral diminution of vision.
Photographer: Kalyan Singh, GSVM medical college, Kanpur
Imaging device: Smartphone (1plus 10R)
Condition/keywords: macula lesion, toxoplasmosis
Medullated nerve fibres
Mar 5 2023 by Kalyan Singh
History of trauma 4-5 years back and presented to our side with unilateral diminution of vision.
Photographer: Kalyan Singh, GSVM medical college, Kanpur
Imaging device: Smartphone (1 plus 10 R)
Condition/keywords: myelinated nerve fibers, trauma
Glaucomatous optic disc
Mar 5 2023 by Kalyan Singh
Chronic history of progressive diminution of vision. No history of previous glaucoma treatment.
Photographer: Kalyan Singh, GSVM medical college, Kanpur
Imaging device: Smartphone (1 plus 10 R)
Condition/keywords: glaucoma
Optic disc avulsion
Mar 5 2023 by Kalyan Singh
Case of post traumatic optic disc avulsion of young male adult.
Photographer: Kalyan Singh, GSVM medical college, Kanpur
Imaging device: Smartphone (1 plus 10R)
Condition/keywords: optic disc, trauma
Fundal Coloboma
Mar 6 2023 by Kalyan Singh
34 year old male with fundal Coloboma presented for refractive correction.
Photographer: Kalyan Singh, GSVM medical college, Kanpur
Imaging device: Smartphone (1 plus 10R)
Condition/keywords: coloboma
Myelinated Nerve Fibers
Apr 26 2023 by Kalyan Singh
Young male, presented to our OPD side for diminution of vision in fellow eye.
Photographer: Dr Kalyan Singh, Junior resident , Department of ophthalmology, GSVM MEDICAL COLLEGE KANPUR
Imaging device: One plus 10 R
Condition/keywords: myelinated nerve fibers
Apr 26 2023 by Kalyan Singh
Fundus photograph of an young boy with history of premature birth.
Photographer: Dr Kalyan Singh, Junior resident , Department of ophthalmology, GSVM MEDICAL COLLEGE KANPUR
Imaging device: One plus 10 R ( smartphone)
Condition/keywords: ROP MACULAR DRAGGING
Smartphone Fundoscopy
Apr 26 2023 by Kalyan Singh
Low cost, portable, high-tech technique of fundoscopy using a smartphone with 20 D or 2.2 panretinal auxiliary lens. This video showing a myopic fundus.
Condition/keywords: fundoscopy, myopia, smartphone
Morning Glory Syndrome
May 12 2023 by Kalyan Singh
Fundus photograph of a 50 year old male presented with diminution of vision in right eye from last 2 years .
Photographer: Dr Kalyan Singh, GSVM medical college, Kanpur
Imaging device: Smartphone (1 plus 10R)
Condition/keywords: disc, Morning Glory Syndrome