Retinal Detachment Following Scleral Buckling, Retinectomy, Laser, and Oil
Jan 31 2022 by Ahmad B. Tarabishy, MD
Ultra wide-field fundus photograph of a 55-year-old gentleman who is 4 days after surgery with scleral buckling, pars plana vitrectomy, perfluoron tamponade, membrane peeling, direct fluid-PFO-oil exchange, nasal and temporal retinectomies, and endolaser photocoagulation. Visual acuity was 20/150 under oil.
Photographer: Megan McLandsborough, Lakeland Eye Clinic
Imaging device: Optos California UWF Camera
Condition/keywords: endolaserMembrane PeelPPVproliferative retinopathyproliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR)Retinal Detachmentretinal detachment with retinal defectscleral bucklesubmacular perfluorocarbon liquid (PFO)
Retinal Detachment with Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy
Jan 31 2022 by Ahmad B. Tarabishy, MD
Ultra wide-field fundus photograph of a 55-year-old gentleman who had previously underwent laser retinopexy for multiple inferior retinal breaks. He presented with a macula-off retinal detachment from a new temporal break with proliferative vitreoretinopathy with fixed folds noted temporally and superonasally.
Photographer: Megan McLandsborough, Lakeland Eye Clinic
Imaging device: Optos California UWF Camera
Condition/keywords: laser retinopexymacula off Retinal Detachmentproliferative retinopathyproliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR)Retinal Detachmentretinal detachment with retinal defect