Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD » Pattern Macular Dystrophy

  • Pattern Macular Dystrophy

    Oct 16 2012 by Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD

    FAG image of a 76-year-old female. In late venous phase staining with no leakage of dye is seen . Butterfly pattern can be noticed.

    Photographer: Marko Lukic, MD

    Imaging device: Zeis Visucam Lite 2

  • Pattern Macular Dystrophy

    Oct 16 2012 by Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD

    FAG image of a 76-year-old female. In early venous phase window defect in fovea can be seen.

    Photographer: Marko Lukic, MD

    Imaging device: Zeis Visucam Lite 2

    Condition/keywords: fundus photograph, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) defect

  • Pattern Macular Dystrophy

    Oct 16 2012 by Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD

    Color fundus image of a 76-year-old female. Defect of RPE in butterfly pattern can be seen. It is easy to be misdiagnosed with dry age related macular degeneration (look at the FAG images). BCVA of that eye is 0.95.

    Photographer: Marko Lukic, MD

    Imaging device: Zeis Visucam Lite 2

    Condition/keywords: fundus photograph, pattern macular dystrophy, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) defect

  • Pattern Macular Dystrophy

    Oct 16 2012 by Ratimir Lazic, MD, PhD

    OCT image of a 76-year-old female. Defect of RPE can be seen. It is easy to misdiagnose with dry age related macular degeneration. BCVA of that eye is 0.95.

    Photographer: Marko Lukic, MD

    Imaging device: SOCT Copernicus

    Condition/keywords: retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) defect