ON pits OD stereo L
Sep 18 2012 by Pauline T Merrill, MD, FASRS
2 pits in right optic nerve of a 77-year-old woman with bilateral optic nerve pits and glaucoma, stable over 20 years (L image of stereo pair)
Photographer: Karen Parque, Illinois Retina Associates, Chicago, IL
ON pits OD stereo R
Sep 18 2012 by Pauline T Merrill, MD, FASRS
2 pits in right optic nerve of a 77-year-old woman with bilateral optic nerve pits and glaucoma, stable over 20 years (R image of stereo pair)
Photographer: Karen Parque, Illinois Retina Associates, Chicago, IL
ON pit OS stereo L
Sep 18 2012 by Pauline T Merrill, MD, FASRS
Left optic nerve of a 77-year-old woman with bilateral optic nerve pits and glaucoma, stable over 20 years (L image of stereo pair)
Photographer: Karen Parque, Illinois Retina Associates, Chicago, IL
ON pit OS stereo R
Sep 18 2012 by Pauline T Merrill, MD, FASRS
Left optic nerve of a 77-year-old woman with bilateral optic nerve pits and glaucoma, stable over 20 years (R image of stereo pair)
Photographer: Karen Parque, Illinois Retina Associates, Chicago, IL
ON pits OD mac OCT
Sep 18 2012 by Pauline T Merrill, MD, FASRS
Right macular OCT of a 77-year-old woman with bilateral optic nerve pits and glaucoma, stable over 20 years.
Photographer: Karen Parque, Illinois Retina Associates, Chicago, IL
Imaging device: Zeiss Cirrus
ON pit OS mac OCT
Sep 18 2012 by Pauline T Merrill, MD, FASRS
Left macular OCT of a 77-year-old woman with bilateral optic nerve pits and glaucoma, stable over 20 years.
Photographer: Karen Parque, Illinois Retina Associates, Chicago, IL
Imaging device: Zeiss Cirrus
Bilateral Optic Nerve Pits - ON OCTs
Sep 18 2012 by Pauline T Merrill, MD, FASRS
Optic nerve OCTs of a 77-year-old woman with bilateral optic nerve pits and glaucoma, stable over 20 years.
Photographer: Karen Parque, Illinois Retina Associates, Chicago, IL
Imaging device: Zeiss Cirrus
Condition/keywords: optic nerve pit