Maurice F. Rabb » Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neural tissue. The retinal veins emanating from the inferior nasal and inferior temporal aspect of the disc are markedly dilated. The retina contains a great deal of blood in the shape of flame-shaped hemorrhages. The retinas are markedly edematous in the inferior half of the posterior pole. Arteriolar narrowing is seen in the retinal arterioles of the superior half of the retina. The right macula appears to be edematous and contain some intraretinal heme.

Color photographs of the left posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.4 and retinal arterioles that are mildly attenuated. The macula appears to be within normal limits.

Fluorescein angiographic dye transit through the right posterior pole demonstrates a delayed filling of the retinal arterioles and veins. Most of the inferior path of the right posterior pole is hypofluorescent due to the intraretinal heme. In later stages of the angiogram there is an extensive leakage of dye from the retinal veins. There is also a leakage of dye with staining of the right optic disc. Areas of capillary dropout cannot be seen due to the presence of the edema and intraretinal blood.

Fluorescein angiographic dye transit through the left posterior pole reveals no abnormalities.

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc

  • Optic And Hyperemic Disc And Hyperemic Rim

    Nov 4 2013 by Maurice F. Rabb

    Color photographs of the right posterior pole demonstrates an optic disc with a cup/disc ratio of 0.5 and a hyperemic disc and hyperemic rim of neutral tissue.

    Condition/keywords: hyperemic disc, hyperemic rim, optic disc